2015 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Geez the top 4 where all PWT, and they said Tie Phantoms needed nerfing ..sure there.

outrider dash a PWT? nien.

2 B-wings a PWT? nien.

**** ain't even a 2-ship build :o

but if you must nerf PWTs go ahead. I'll be in my corner, shedding exactly zero tears

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

Edited by Marinealver

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

One of the things that happens to poplar builds is that people build to counter them.

Sometimes, everyone builds to counter them, or gets tired of them, and they just drop off the radar.

Minor update.

Top 16

(#11 Swiss) Andrew Johnson : Outer Rim Smuggler + Anti-Pursuit Lasers + 2x Tactician + MF title; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2; 2x Bandit

Yes. An Outer Rim Smuggler made Top 16 at Nationals!

Minor update.

Top 16

(#11 Swiss) Andrew Johnson : Outer Rim Smuggler + Anti-Pursuit Lasers + 2x Tactician + MF title; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2; 2x Bandit

Yes. An Outer Rim Smuggler made Top 16 at Nationals!

what a power gaming snob

good thing tactician's being limited next faq, so monsters such as these can't drive the repulsively netdecked and indisputably powerful ORS to victory :angry:

no ****, sarcasm

Edited by ficklegreendice

Minor update.

Top 16

(#11 Swiss) Andrew Johnson : Outer Rim Smuggler + Anti-Pursuit Lasers + 2x Tactician + MF title; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2; 2x Bandit

Yes. An Outer Rim Smuggler made Top 16 at Nationals!

what a power gaming snob

good thing tactician's being limited next faq, so monsters such as these can't drive the repulsively netdecked and indisputably powerful ORS to victory :angry:

no ****, sarcasm

They never saw it coming

After Rick won last year his list became pretty popular and his Whisper build became the gold standard. I can't see that Dash build really taking off.

After Rick won last year his list became pretty popular and his Whisper build became the gold standard. I can't see that Dash build really taking off.

of course not

you're supposed to take off into it :P

(but yeah, not my cup-o-tea either)

At least 3 APL in top tables. That's hilarious. Will those be ion projectors next go around?

okay okay is APL mathematically worth it? I think it can be definitely added for blocking

Weird part is that people gave up Engine to take the APLs.

I'm also not sure about a 2 dice shot to apply tactician- strikes me as unreliable.

Tactician doesn't have to hit to inflict the stress. It's actually a pretty clever way to find a cheap double-crew slot ship; I imagine it was flown a bit like a cannon-packing YT-2400 sans Outrider. Really, those dials are insane ; people forget because they're pancake turrets. ;)

Best part: Stress-inflicters are priority targets. But ORS is rubbish, so it's low priority. Corran! Kill him first! ... oh, but stress. And an escort. Crap. :D

Much like the Dash build that won, 'novelty' builds may be objectively weaker than the current top meta lists... but that doesn't mean they're not potent.

Thanks guys. The HLC donut hole and lone wolf are high risk, high reward strategies and in the right hands I believe they make Dash the best ship in the game and king of the fat turrets.

Much like the Dash build that won, 'novelty' builds may be objectively weaker than the current top meta lists... but that doesn't mean they're not potent.

It's a good point you raise about 'novelty' builds - I think a reasonable part of their success (skill level of the people flying them being the biggest part) is that an unusual squad can catch people unprepared and it may take them a 1/2 to a full game to figure out the squad, it's unassuming strengths and play/counter play styles. By the time you figure it out it can be too late to rearrange the board position or it's game over and onto the next tournament round.

With the top meta squads - most serious tournament players will have done the various match ups many times and know the play/counter play inside out.

In any case - I enjoyed following the GenCon results and well done to all who made the Top cut, a terrific achievement!

Edited by MorganR

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it this year. Wife lost her job for the summer, and I've been working 55 hour weeks, and I'm currently ebaying my X-wing promo stuff to try and pay the bills. I just couldn't afford to take 4-5 days off plus all of the expenses of Gencon simply to play in a tournament. Sorry to disappoint you, but life happens.

And believe it or not, the level of X-wing play is and will continue to be top notch in every area of the world, so there are scores of great players that could easily take a big tournament like this with a good day and some dice luck. Yes, I do think we are getting a whole "new" set of names, even though many of the names are familiar to those of us who have been around since the beginning. The bar will continue to be raised by this community, and I'm thankful for it personally.

What is the new stuff from wave 8 that will take down turrets? The best ship from wave 8 may be the Punishing One which is a primary turret. This ship has lots of options going on with crew, astromech, and illicit slots.

Edit: I suppose some of those things could help...time will tell if its enough.

I think the combo of different things in Wave 7 and 8 will be enough to take down the fat turrets. I'm excited about it.

Life is definitely going to get more difficult for fat two ship builds.

That being said, if the new counters start to limit fat ships what is going to rise up in their place?

Or perhaps we simply end up with an even more diverse meta that still includes fat ships and PWT's but leaves room for a lot for a variety of other lists.

Weird part is that people gave up Engine to take the APLs.

strangely, Idon't actually enjoy EU on Dash

I don't take APLs either :P but I've found myself enjoying him just fine with only barrel-roll

leaves room for 3 prototypes :D

Edited by ficklegreendice

Where is Paul Heaver or Doug Kenny in this list? Did we get a whole new set of names?

Also surprised to not see RAC or Han in the final.

Paul Heaver was busy becoming the Imperial Assault world champion! Go Paul!

Doug Kinney couldn't make it to Nationals this year, as he said a few messages up (hothie).

And, no, we didn't get a whole new set of names. If you follow the game many of the names would be familiar to you. Jeff Berling got second last year, when he definitely earned the Fly Casual Champion award for famously letting his opponent redo a forgotten cloak at a critical point in the final match. Super cool guy! Nobody deserves the victory more than him, IMO.

Edited by cyclopeatron

I'm just happy that all the announcements made today will make Fat Turret lists very hard to win with for next year. I heard about the lists in the final game and was so bored I fell asleep. There are lots of things to take down Fat Turrets in the new waves.

Jeff and Phil's matches were anything but boring

Geez the top 4 where all PWT, and they said Tie Phantoms needed nerfing ..sure there.

What's a PWT? I looked it up on urbandictionary, and the result I got seemed rather irrelevant.

Geez the top 4 where all PWT, and they said Tie Phantoms needed nerfing ..sure there.

What's a PWT? I looked it up on urbandictionary, and the result I got seemed rather irrelevant.

"Primary Weapon Turret" In other words, Falcons, Decimators & Outriders

Edited by Esser915

Geez the top 4 where all PWT, and they said Tie Phantoms needed nerfing ..sure there.

What's a PWT? I looked it up on urbandictionary, and the result I got seemed rather irrelevant.

Edit: Ninjad

Edited by Veldrin

PWT also means pancake with turret. I think. Regardless I had neither. Lone wolf HLC Dash is completely different than those ships. I have to keep my friends at range 3 and my enemies out of range 1. It is not a simple stomping machine.