2015 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

So for reference, more large turrets than total players in the final four? Yup turrets are fine

So for reference, more large turrets than total players in the final four? Yup turrets are fine

There were also more total upgrade cards in the top 2 than players in the whole top 8.

Yup, upgrades are just fine.

Andrew Johnson had corran with Vi r2d2 and fcs, 2 bandits, Outer rim smuggler with 2 tactician, falcon title and anti pursuit lasers

So for reference, more large turrets than total players in the final four? Yup turrets are fine

There were also more total upgrade cards in the top 2 than players in the whole top 8.

Yup, upgrades are just fine.

Actually,looking at the top16, the meta seems to be quite diverse. And Dash+2b isn't exactly the winning list some on this forum would have whined about before today. There could be more imp and scum lists, but overall, i'd say the meta is in a better place than before the Phantom nerf.

I really like the winning list.

It's meta... but it's not at the same time.

great national championship, thanks to all involved. I interviewed a bunch of people for S&V podcast, which should get published tonight or tomorrow. Cheers!

I lost an absolute squeaker to Phildo in top 16. if I had had one more round, or if I had been able to do 3 damage to Oicunn with a range one shot with Han, I would have won :-)

Go Phildo!

So, what was your build?

Han & Jake (and upgrades?) ?

Yep. Han + Predator + Luke + C3P0 + MF title + Engine; Jake + VI + PtL + title + Proton Rockets + Auto thrusters

Jeff Berling is your 2015 U.S. Nationals champion!


Congrats to Jeff and Phil, both are great guys and a pleasure to play in a tournament with!

I'm just happy that all the announcements made today will make Fat Turret lists very hard to win with for next year. I heard about the lists in the final game and was so bored I fell asleep. There are lots of things to take down Fat Turrets in the new waves.

That is a bit of a large assumption.

I don't think so. Just look at all the stuff they put out today that are meant to take down Fat Turrets. Agent Kallus is one crew that will really help do that. The XX-23 S-Thread Tracer missile is another one. I mean, just imagine Blount, that tracer, and a lot of Concussion Z-95's. You wouldn't have a Fat Turret last a round with full volleys. Then there are all the little things like "Scourge" the new Tie Pilot. Wave 7 just made ordnance and bombs that much more viable. Conner Nets, Extra Munitions, Plasma Torpedoes, making all the old ordnance cheaper. I see FFG making a concerted effort to bring down Fat Turrets in many small ways. Who knows what else is out there that hasn't been leaked yet? I tell you now that I see a lot less Fat Turrets in the winners circle next year.

I think I'm liking the future of X-wing.

What is the new stuff from wave 8 that will take down turrets? The best ship from wave 8 may be the Punishing One which is a primary turret. This ship has lots of options going on with crew, astromech, and illicit slots.

Edit: I suppose some of those things could help...time will tell if its enough.

Edited by Zarovichx

I really like the winning list.

It's meta... but it's not at the same time.

As Paul Heaver has proven, it seems that's often the way to go :)

Fly a list that's as solid as can be... but with tweaks to counter the expected meta, and means your opponents don't quite know what to expect. You'll know your lists quirks, but they won't.

Awesome guys, we have pretty much all the details in Top 16. We're just missing a couple Top 16 squads.

United States
July 30-31, 2015
Indianapolis, Indiana, United states


Attendance: 192 (caped at 200, 8 dropped)

Format: Thursday: 7 rounds of Swiss. Friday: Top 16 elimination rounds.

List Juggler: TBD


  • (#7 Swiss) Jeff Berling : Dash + Lone Wolf + HLC + Outrider + R2-D2 crew + Anti-Pursuit Lasers; 2x Blue

2nd place

  • (#13 Swiss) Phillip Horny : Oicunn + Predator + ysanne + gunner + rebel captive + engine + proximity mine; Soontir + PtL + autothruster + stealth device + title

Top 4

  • (#14 Swiss) Jonathan Grasser : Chewbacca + Predator + Luke + C-3PO + MF; Vrill + HLC (no title) + Recon Specialist + Anti-pursuit Lasers
  • (#16 Swiss) Kyle Adams : Dash + Predator + Title + Mangler + Chewbacca crew; Corran + PtL + FCS + R2-D2 + Engine

Top 8

  • (#5 Swiss) Mark Moriarity : IG88B&C + VI + HLC + FCS + Autothrusters + Inertial dampeners + title
  • (#6 Swiss) Zack Mathews : 2x Blue Squadron Pilot + E2 + Tactician; Gold Squadron Pilot + R3-A2 + BTL-A4 + Ion Cannon Turret; Gold Squadron Pilot + BTL-A4 + Ion Cannon Turret + Seismic
  • (#9 Swiss) Ron Brannan : BBBBZ
  • (#2 Swiss) William Wadden : Han + Predator + Luke + C3P0 + MF title + Engine; Jake + VI + PtL + title + Proton Rockets + Auto thrusters

Top 16

  • (#1 Swiss) Mishary Alfaris : Dash + Title + HLC + Predator + Recon Spec; Chewbacca + Predator + Title
  • (#3 Swiss) Zachary Bart : Corran + VI + FCS + R2D2; Jake + VI + PtL + Proton Rockets + title + Autothrusters; Gold + Ion Cannon Turrret + BTL-A4 + R3-A2
  • (#4 Swiss) Lyle Hayhurst : Han + Predator + Luke + C3P0 + MF title + Engine; Jake + VI + PtL + title + Proton Rockets + Auto thrusters
  • (#8 Swiss) Jeremy Howard : 4x Blue + Accuracy Corrector
  • (#10 Swiss) Nick Jones : Howlrunner + Determination; Backstabber; 5x Obsidian
  • (#11 Swiss) Andrew Johnson : TBD
  • (#12 Swiss) Daniel Hars : TBD
  • (#15 in Swiss) Jeff Bizzak : Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2D2 + Engine; Tycho + PtL + Daredevil + Experimental Interface + Proton Rockets + test pilot; Prototype + Refit

Elimination matchups

Top 16

Mishary Alfaris (L) vs Kyle Adams (W)

William Wadden (W) vs Jeff Bizzak (L)

Zachary Bart (L) vs Jonathan Grasser (W)

Lyle Hayhurst (L) vs Phillip Horny (W)

Mark Moriarity (W) vs Daniel Hars (L)
Zack Mathews (W) vs Andrew Johnson (L)
Jeff Berling (W) vs Nick Jones (L)
Jeremy Howard (L) vs Ron Brannan (W)

Top 8

Kyle Adams (W) vs Ron Brannan (L)

Phillip Horny (W) vs Mark Moriarity (L)

Jeff Berling (W) vs William Wadden (L)

Jonathan Grasser (W) vs Zack Mathews (L)

Top 4

Jonathan Grasser (L) vs Phillip Horny (W)

Jeff Berling (W) vs Kyle Adams (L)


Jeff Berling (W) vs Phillip Horny (L)

I think that Zach Bart being #3 in Swiss is an interesting data point.

Very surprised by #1 and #3 using Anti-Pursuit Lasers

I'd always dismissed them as rubbish.

voidstate, on 01 Aug 2015 - 02:16 AM, said:

Very surprised by #1 and #3 using Anti-Pursuit Lasers

I'd always dismissed them as rubbish.

See the #2 list - Oicunn for the answer to that. Anti-pursuit lasers are good against that rude ship.

Congratulations to the champion and to all top 16!

Getting into the 16 is no small feat!

There will be some changes to the meta with the next wave, but I really felt that there was also a lot of good builds of different kinds in the tournaments all year. The next 2 waves will be even more interesting, gotta love this game!

If you're interested in interviews with some of the Top 16 players, including Phildo and Jeff Berling, you should listen to Scum and Villainy's latest episode .

thanks Alex for getting it published so quickly! the interviews with the top 2 are at the very end of the cast.

Anti Pursuit Lasers on Dash is ******* genious, especially if coupled with R2-2D. Cogratulatations to the USA Champion!

What is the new stuff from wave 8 that will take down turrets? The best ship from wave 8 may be the Punishing One which is a primary turret. This ship has lots of options going on with crew, astromech, and illicit slots.

Edit: I suppose some of those things could help...time will tell if its enough.

I think the combo of different things in Wave 7 and 8 will be enough to take down the fat turrets. I'm excited about it.

There's a lot to like in that build.

R2D2 on Dash is genius. Wonder why we hadn't seen him there before? Because he paired with Corran, who stole him first? :)

There's a lot to like in that build.

R2D2 on Dash is genius. Wonder why we hadn't seen him there before? Because he paired with Corran, who stole him first? :)

fear of flipping up munitions failure, I'd bet :P

Thanks guys. The HLC donut hole and lone wolf are high risk, high reward strategies and in the right hands I believe they make Dash the best ship in the game and king of the fat turrets.

Edited by RogueSeventeen