PSA: It's XI7, not X17.

By Beardface2, in Star Wars: Armada

Unfortunately, Wookieepedia and FFG use sans serif fonts, so it can be difficult to tell the difference between [ex-eye-seven] and [ex-one-seven] or [ex-seventeen]. However, look at the title of the page in your browser's address bar. Compare it to other instances of 'I's and '1's on Wookieepedia. Copy/paste the title into Word, and change it to a serif font so you can clearly see that it is a capital 'I'.

They are XI7 turbolasers , not X17 .

Carry on.

so long as it cripples redirects, I couldn't care less either way :P

obligatory (no offense intended)


obligatory (no offense intended)


Gonna hate to agree with this one

Accuracy is nice and all, but which one rolls of the tongue?

Xseventeens it is

Edited by Demethostes

the X.I - 7 does sound like a national intelligence agency ala CIA or MI6

maybe they're the secret police of the new republic

Edited by ficklegreendice

Sheesh, if you don't give a !@#$ take your apathy and don't bother posting? Thanks for the heads up Beardface, actually kinda nice to have correct.

Edited by CobaltWraith

I am happy for the clarification, but X Seventeen is easier to say.

And what was Harrison Ford sayin that about?

Sweet, they're now officially the seven-elevens :P

Edit: Selevens?

Edited by Leowulf

Thanks man, I've been saying X-711.....

I'm going to say X-17 just to be annoying now. Thanks!

I couldn't resist.



Poor Beardface or Beardfacé. :lol:

I am happy for the clarification, but X Seventeen is easier to say.

Accuracy is nice and all, but which one rolls of the tongue?

Xseventeens it is

I don't particularly care one way or the other, but to me "ex eye seven" "rolls off the tongue" and is a lot easier to say.

Unfortunately, Wookieepedia and FFG use sans serif fonts, so it can be difficult to tell the difference between [ex-eye-seven] and [ex-one-seven] or [ex-seventeen]. However, look at the title of the page in your browser's address bar. Compare it to other instances of 'I's and '1's on Wookieepedia. Copy/paste the title into Word, and change it to a serif font so you can clearly see that it is a capital 'I'.

They are XI7 turbolasers , not X17 .

Carry on.

the X.I - 7 does sound like a national intelligence agency ala CIA or MI6

maybe they're the secret police of the new republic

I'm sorry, did you say em-eye-six or em-sixteen?

(runs for cover)

just called em 77s for short... what 11 times 7 is 77...

Harrison Ford has done several interviews with Conan, most of them are pretty awkward, possibly both acting it up. Sometimes it seems Ford is on something.

The "Who gives a $#!+" comment was from a 2010 interview, when a fan asked what color was the tip of Indiana Jones whip.

I like em-sixteens, just like the em-seventeens!!!!

Harrison Ford has done several interviews with Conan, most of them are pretty awkward, possibly both acting it up. Sometimes it seems Ford is on something.

The "Who gives a $#!+" comment was from a 2010 interview, when a fan asked what color was the tip of Indiana Jones whip.

I like em-sixteens, just like the em-seventeens!!!!

Oh wow, I didn't even realize that was Ford until I went back and looked at the gif a second time. I have to agree with him though. The whip-tip color? You get a chance to ask Ford something, and that's what you waste his time on? lol

Unfortunately, Wookieepedia and FFG use sans serif fonts, so it can be difficult to tell the difference between [ex-eye-seven] and [ex-one-seven] or [ex-seventeen]. However, look at the title of the page in your browser's address bar. Compare it to other instances of 'I's and '1's on Wookieepedia. Copy/paste the title into Word, and change it to a serif font so you can clearly see that it is a capital 'I'.

They are XI7 turbolasers , not X17 .

Carry on.


They are XI7 turbolasers , not X17 .

Carry on.

So what you're saying is that their - 11 7's

And not - 10 17's.

..."I wonder what the X and I stand for".

X______ industries
