Double "engaged next player & attack" shadow effect

By GrandSpleen, in Rules questions & answers

I had this situation pop up in a 2-player game last night: a Ringwraith in A Knife in the Dark had 2 shadow cards (they get 2 cards when the One Ring is exhausted). Both shadow effects were the same card:

Pathless Country : After this attack, the attacking enemy engages the next player then makes an immediate attack.

What would happen here?

a- Ringwraith engages the next player and makes 2 attacks

b- Ringwraith engages the next player, makes an attack, then engages the next next player and makes another attack

c- Ringwraith engages the next player but only makes 1 attack

d-players ragequit and no effects need be resolved

We opted for option (e) in our game-- cancel one of the effects with Erkenbrand. I guess if both were to resolve, it would be (a)? The 'next player' is decided at the time of shadow effect resolution, and then 2 attacks are queued up against that player. Thoughts?

Edited by GrandSpleen

I would vote option a.

You trigger them both from the first (engaged) player and at once.

I agree, that I think it is option a. The rules state that when you flip over the shadow card you "resolve its effect". In my opinion, the resolution is the queuing of both attacks.

My vote is for option d.

Good enough for me!

What about option f) reveal shadow cards and resolve one of shadow cards (making an immediate attack against another player) at which point you discard both existing shadow cards and deal a new shadow card for the addition attack as per 1.42 in the faq?

That's actually interesting idea. I found nothing in FAQ.

But I would say: for that 1 attack you resolve all shadows card simultaneously at once. Ergo 2 additional attacks, each of them with new shadow card.

But it's just a hunch.


You furiously flip the table for each additional attack made by an enemy like in option d.

Edited by OlorinCZ

In this case, the shadow effect says "after this attack," so the current attack would need to resolve completely before we begin the next one.

In the case of a Morgul Bodyguard shadow effect , you could get an attack interrupted, in which case the second shadow effect would never have been revealed in the first place (thread with that ruling is linked)

What about option f) reveal shadow cards and resolve one of shadow cards (making an immediate attack against another player) at which point you discard both existing shadow cards and deal a new shadow card for the addition attack as per 1.42 in the faq?

I don't think that would be the case for this particular shadow effect because it says "after this attack". There are other cards without that clause, like Morgul Bodyguard , that interrupt the current attack and would discard unresolved shadow cards.

I'm going to shoot an email to Caleb to get an official ruling.

Good point regarding attack not being over... and good idea to email Caleb. The wording of cards and the rulings haven't always been as expected. And maybe he'll choose d too!

With revealing shadow cards, in general, do you flip them all over and choose what order you resolve them or do you turn one over at a time and action as you go and or put to the side if they can stack.

I doubt you are meant to be able to look at them and then resolve them in an order of your choosing... I flip, resolve, then flip the next (if there is one) and resolve that.

I doubt you are meant to be able to look at them and then resolve them in an order of your choosing... I flip, resolve, then flip the next (if there is one) and resolve that.

I agree.... just couldn't find anything that specified either way.

We opted for option (e) in our game-- cancel one of the effects with Erkenbrand.

My understanding of Erkenbrands response / hasty Stroke is, that you have to cancel the effect before the next shadow card is revealed .. right?

a) definitely seems right to me

We opted for option (e) in our game-- cancel one of the effects with Erkenbrand.

My understanding of Erkenbrands response / hasty Stroke is, that you have to cancel the effect before the next shadow card is revealed .. right?

Erkenbrand only cancelled the second one after seeing there might be 2 extra attacks.

Caleb ruled in favor of option (a).

Q: I played a Knife in the Dark yesterday where a Ringwraith had two shadow cards when it attacked. Both of the shadow cards were both Pathless Country, which says "After this attack, the attacking enemy engages the next player then makes an immediate attack." How would this situation resolve?

A: In the situation you just described, the enemy will engage the next player after resolving its attack against you. Then it will make 2 attacks in a row against that player.

Thanks Teamjimby!