Morgul Bodyguard Shadow Effect

By Narsil0420, in Rules questions & answers

So Morgul Bodyguard (from Morgul Vale) has a shadow effect that reads:

"Attacking enemy engages the next player and makes an immediate attack, if able."

This is different from other shadow effects which begin with "after this enemy attacks..."

I believe it's already clear that if you're playing solo, there's no "next" player so this would not have any effect.

The question I have is: does this interrupt his current attack so that it would not complete or deal damage to the defending character?

also: If there are other shadow cards in combination with this one, do their effects still trigger (ie "raise your threat by X") before he moves to the next player and starts a new attack (which would recieve a new shadow card)?

Edited by Narsil0420

Enemy attacks to the original player. Enemy that began attacking to one player, he continues the attack, from your playing area, from other playing area's player, or from staging area ('Light in the dark', for example, not avoid the enemy's attack if it began).

And the question about shadows is in faq1.5. Each attack is diferent, and shadows not join themselves. So you discard first shadow cards after enemy starts new attack. Effects of first shadow card are disabled.

I'm not convinced... It engages next player and still attack the previous one ? ok. But no additionnal attack ? it seems like the text imply so. And we do not know in witch order to resolve the attack.

Seems like the one on the next player comes first with a new shadow cards, then you come back to resolving the one on the previous player, wich has already declared a defender. That means there are two defender for the attack on the next player.

Quite a mess.

Got a response from Caleb!

Hi Matthew,

Great question. If there is no other player for the enemy to attack, then it is not able. In that case, the shadow effect is ignored and the attack resolves as normal. If there was another player, this shadow effect would end the current attack and immediately begin a new attack. Since you reveal shadow cards one at a time, if there are unrevealed shadow cards on the attacking enemy when this effect triggers, they would be discarded when this enemy makes a new attack and is dealt a new shadow card.

Hope you're enjoying the scenario!



Ends the current attack -- so does that mean the current attack ends unresolved?

seems like it.

I've always played that both attacks still resolve rather than the first being cancelled/unresolved..! Definitely makes it a bit easier... Time to go back and play morgul vale some more....

Got a response from Caleb!

Hi Matthew,

Great question. If there is no other player for the enemy to attack, then it is not able. In that case, the shadow effect is ignored and the attack resolves as normal. If there was another player, this shadow effect would end the current attack and immediately begin a new attack. Since you reveal shadow cards one at a time, if there are unrevealed shadow cards on the attacking enemy when this effect triggers, they would be discarded when this enemy makes a new attack and is dealt a new shadow card.

Hope you're enjoying the scenario!



I am losing in this. FAQ 1.7 (1.32) Mid-Attack Control or Engagement Change says that if enemy engages another player during the resolution of an attack, that attack still resolves.

I thought that the shadow card is dealt to enemy only at the beginning of combat phase. Unless the shadow effect says otherwise.

On the next page of that FAQ we've got this:

(1.42) Additional attacks by an enemy
When an enemy makes an additional attack, discard all
of its previously dealt shadow cards before dealing it a
new shadow card.
So the enemy should get a shadow card. But the whole 'end the current attack' thing is a big question mark for me. I don't see why it should end the attack unresolved.

Ah, that I overlooked. So new shadow card is "resolved". :)