The Dice Tower showing a live action game of Forbidden Stars on 25May2015 1900 EST

By krechevskoy, in Forbidden Stars

The Dice tower will be showing Forbidden Stars live in Action at 1900 Eastern Time. Orcs Vs Eldar.

Main Site:

DiceTower YT Feed:

It should give us a good view into the GamePlay. This should reassure us all on speed to the store shelf if Tom already has his copy.

If you miss the live action feed, the overall video still stays up available for viewing.

Couldn't watch more than a few minutes sadly... Sam is so annoying with his half and nonchalant answers and "I don't care" attitude.

But the game look fantastic FFG, great job again.

Cant wait for this to come out

Yes, looks very good. :)

I hope the order tokens will survive longer than my starcraft tokens. After 2 plays, they were damaged because of people holding them together.

Edited by Gridash