So I just got back from UK Nats...

By Viewtiful_Joe, in UFS General Discussion

And I am absolutely exhausted! So you'll have to wait till later for your report. There's far too much effort involved in remembering all of my games at once :P

But I can give the big speech about how fantastic it all was for a little while I guess :D

In all seriousness, I travelled to UK Nats not feeling particularly great, having had a bit of a rough time the day we left, so I needed a pretty big pick-me-up (People who know me will know what had upset me), and that was exactly what I got. Yes, I did win the tournament, but I could have come last and would have come away feeling exactly the same. Everyone I knew (and a lot of people I didn't until yesterday) were just so wonderfully supportive and gave me an absolutely fantastic weekend that really made me feel so much better about everything.

Thanks to everyone who's been posting their support for me, you don't know what it means to me. I promise I will be posting my report of the event and my decklist up on here as soon as I feel slightly less ill and tired :P

While you're waiting, I'll be needing help coming up with flavour text... The first thing that came to mind was "Everyone knows a queen always beats a straight", but I don't think I'll ever get away with that one! :P And Henshin-a-Go-Go Baby!'s kind of already taken... :(

Anyways, thanks again guys, you make the game what it is ;)

Joe xx

Viewtiful_Joe said:

While you're waiting, I'll be needing help coming up with flavour text... The first thing that came to mind was "Everyone knows a queen always beats a straight", but I don't think I'll ever get away with that one! :P And Henshin-a-Go-Go Baby!'s kind of already taken... :(

Try "I flush straights."

'cause you certainly did to win the tournament.

what about "viv..."

oh forget about this one, you'll get too many enemies ;P

Congrats on your win! Can't wait to see how your card turns out.

congrats Joe

glad to hear u won

=DDD so Donovan finally took what was rightfully his? I'm expecting some good art on that card Joe!

Also, as an homage to you and your Vega costume...

"Homosexual fighters never lose"

Viewtiful_Joe said:

And I am absolutely exhausted! So you'll have to wait till later for your report. There's far too much effort involved in remembering all of my games at once :P

But I can give the big speech about how fantastic it all was for a little while I guess :D

In all seriousness, I travelled to UK Nats not feeling particularly great, having had a bit of a rough time the day we left, so I needed a pretty big pick-me-up (People who know me will know what had upset me), and that was exactly what I got. Yes, I did win the tournament, but I could have come last and would have come away feeling exactly the same. Everyone I knew (and a lot of people I didn't until yesterday) were just so wonderfully supportive and gave me an absolutely fantastic weekend that really made me feel so much better about everything.

Thanks to everyone who's been posting their support for me, you don't know what it means to me. I promise I will be posting my report of the event and my decklist up on here as soon as I feel slightly less ill and tired :P

While you're waiting, I'll be needing help coming up with flavour text... The first thing that came to mind was "Everyone knows a queen always beats a straight", but I don't think I'll ever get away with that one! :P And Henshin-a-Go-Go Baby!'s kind of already taken... :(

Anyways, thanks again guys, you make the game what it is ;)

Joe xx

Looking forward to report and retelling ^^

Flavor text suggestion 1: "No, I was supposed to be Ken..."

Oooh congratulations! I still curse the flight that made me late for teaming up with you guys.

Remember you promised me your card. :D

Joe! Great fscking job man, I knew you could do it. Much love, and now you don't have to worry about being 2nd Place for the rest of your career. > :D

Joe, I couldn't be more thrilled for you. I don't think I've ever met a nicer person who not only deserved to win on the merits of his play ability alone, but also because he's just good people. Congratulations on your newfound immortality. BTW, given your profession, maybe when your card comes in you get the pic inked on to your skin somewhere. A little ego never hurt anybody. ;)

Quote suggestion #1: "Queen of the world, baby!"

Quote Suggestion #2: "Because I can!"

Quote Suggestion #3: "The keys to victory are inspiration, preparation, and hair gel."

I'll think of more later...Congrats again! (fanfare, fireworks, applause from crowd)

congratulations dude, was a truly epic weekend and you deserved to win it all, pity we didnt get the chance to continue our loving rivalry but there's always next time and there will be a next time. looking forward to playing with you (ooh err missus) i mean your card when its printed, if its even close to the version you mentioned it will be spectacular.

Hmm... flavor text.

I don't think the "A queen always beats a straight" is too inappropriate. I don't see how you can't aim for that one.

Or you can be a ****** and make your flavor text "You lost the game."

edit: Forgot the important part... congratulations!

Awesome joe congrats it was way too long before donovan actually won something i always knew he was good enough to do it

Do you have any ideas for what you want your character to do?

Glad to hear a UFS experience was able to turn you from being down to having fun.

Grats on your win Joe! A spectacular year for you ^^

- dut


I'm sooooooooo happy you won!!

Please be in a vega or soiree costume on your charcter :D I'm over the moon for you fella, Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy



Bloodrunstrue said:


I'm sooooooooo happy you won!!

Please be in a vega or soiree costume on your charcter :D I'm over the moon for you fella, Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy



You do realize that they'll have to change it if that happens... but a knock off? Like, say, Soiree's costume sans hat? Workable.

Congrats dude. Atlanta drinks to you!

Bloodrunstrue said:

Please be in a vega or soiree costume on your charcter :D

Olexa already did it =/

So, Joe, now that you have your char...

I'm expecting a Paul vs Joe rematch, and no, not using Zi Mei or Donovan ;)

congrats on the win joe. really happy for you man.