The most important question...

By ViniciusZoio, in Forbidden Stars

Ok, we've been dancing around the real issue here. We all want the answer to this question, the only one that truly matters...

Will I be able to declare Exterminatus in "Forbidden Stars"? ;)

I really really hope so ;)

Its been a while since the last update, we should be getting some more info soon hopefully.

The Emperor Provides! ^^

Ok, we've been dancing around the real issue here. We all want the answer to this question, the only one that truly matters...

Will I be able to declare Exterminatus in "Forbidden Stars"? ;)

Yes. There is an Ultramarines event card called "Exterminatus."

I have just played my first game, as the Ultramines.

Seeing that card in my deck put a wide grin in my face! ^^

The Emperor protects! :D