Dark Heresy Digital Character App now available

By Tim Huckelbery, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

1. Milestone!

We sold the 1000th app last week! Thank you for your great support :-)

2. Enemies Without

The new supplement will be added to the DH2 app as soon as we finish the first release of the Dark Heresy 1st edition app.

I think that Milestone might have been me! Great App! Needs to be available for PC! Having a hell of a time exporting PDF's!

Tom; Why aren't you doing the more 'modern' systems (OW and BC)? Wouldn't that be easier than DH1? Why not RT or DW if you're doing the older stuff? It just doesn't make sense to me given that DH1 has been replaced by DH2...

DH1 may have been replaced by DH2, but a lot of people still play DH1. In addition, DH2 is currently only available in english while the DH1 books are also available in other languages. Another reason is we have to get used to the ruleset of each system before we can start working on an app, at least the basics.

There will be more apps for other systems in the future, but for now, doing DH2 and DH1 was a good starting point.

Any news?, are we still alive? xD, sorry im just a little impatient :3

**** just bought it and found out i cant use it since i'm using E nemies Without :/

I'm really sorry, we tried to get the enemies without update out earlier, but it did not work out. Technically, the app should work with enemies without, but it will be easier to use once all the database and character creation additions are in the app :-)

I don't think PDF save works on iPad 3. It counts down without errors, but I can't find the file anywhere. Where am I supposed to look?

The PDFs should be in the same folder as the character backup files. After generating the PDF, open your iTunes. Navigate to your device, click on "Apps" and scroll down to file sharing. Click on the DHDCS icon and you should see the pdf files. If not, please send us the character file (which should also be located there), so we can figure out why it does not work.

When will the iOS version get the 1.3.1 version?

The 1.3.1 (and 1.3.2 if I remember correctly) versions are smaller releases, which are distributed through the app's internal update system. If you connect your device to the internet and open the app, it will download the update and apply it.

There is also a version number difference between the Android and the iOS version. Both apps are identical though, we just had trouble with the Android upload at one point, so we had to change the version number :-)

Has anyone experienced the app freezing? One of my players has a Galaxy S3 and after the application has been up for a minute or so it will stop responding (he can scroll up and down, but none of the buttons work).

That's strange. We will try to get a S3 and test it. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of different Android devices, and we cannot test our apps on all of them, but we will investigate that issue. If this error is memory related, it might get better with the next update, which uses a new page rendering algorithm improving the UI reaction times and also uses less battery.

Is there any chance of making this available on Windows? I normally use my computer when I GM/play and this would be really helpful. I could also let my players use an extra laptop I have instead of needing to lend them my phone or tablet.

Is there any chance of making this available on Windows? I normally use my computer when I GM/play and this would be really helpful. I could also let my players use an extra laptop I have instead of needing to lend them my phone or tablet.

The short answer: yes, it will also be available on Windows in the future.

I've written the long answer a few posts back in this thread, so I'll link the post here: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/176143-dark-heresy-digital-character-app-now-available/page-10#entry1838026

Hey Everyone! Today we launched the 1st Edition version of the Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet. I've created a separate thread in the DH1 forum for everything about that app: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/202001-dark-heresy-digital-character-sheet-app/

I've also got some good news for the DH2 App. We finished porting the "old" DH2 app system to the new one we've built for the DH1 app. This means the app will run faster, use less energy and it will be easier for us to extend its feature set in the future. Also, we've started to implement both supplements (Enemy Without and Enemy Beyond). They will be released very soon, along with some other new features.

great!, waiting for it then :P :D

Status Update: We are now in the testing testing phase for the Enemies Without release, which means we are almost done :-)

In the meantime, I have something funny/interesting for you. While creating the printable character sheets for the DHDCS first edition app, a lot of pdfs were generated. We took them all and put them in a timelapse video to show how a printable character sheet evolves. Anyone want to count how many iterations are in this video?

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/mogcUyCV-9I

Status Update: We are now in the testing testing phase for the Enemies Without release, which means we are almost done :-)

In the meantime, I have something funny/interesting for you. While creating the printable character sheets for the DHDCS first edition app, a lot of pdfs were generated. We took them all and put them in a timelapse video to show how a printable character sheet evolves. Anyone want to count how many iterations are in this video?

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/mogcUyCV-9I

About to start playing a new DH campaign... AND if I don't eat lunch for 2 days I can buy this app without impacting my finances in the slightest!

Totes gonna buy this badboy.

still waiting :D !, just in case xD

still waiting :D !, just in case xD

Yes, it's my fault there is no update yet. I was not in the office the last two weeks due to some unexpected circumstances, but now I'm back and we just pushed the update to Apple for Testing. Normally, this takes about 3-7 days, so the update should be out on Monday at the latest.

Im still waiting for a update, so i can get it to work again on my asus memopad me302

Im still waiting for a update, so i can get it to work again on my asus memopad me302

I would love to announce the release of the update, but unfortunately we are also waiting here in the office at the moment. As soon as the update gets approved, we will release it immediately.

This app don't Work om My ASUS memopad me302c anymore :-( The app freezes when i try to use it.

Nice update although i got to hype that i didnt though next supplements were need to be paid for each. Everything else working great for me :)

The update is live! After a minor delay of 5 months... but we're ready after all. Please note that you need to update via the app store.

New in this Update:

- added Enemies Without Supplement Content (Homeworlds, Backgrounds, Roles, Gear and more)
- added unnatural characteristics options
- added auto updater activation switch and deactivated automatic updates
- changed ammunition feature and added standard ammunition
- changed underlying navigation framework, should be rendering faster now
- bugfixes
The Enemies Without content will be available as an one time in app purchase for ~2$. We published a blog post on our company blog on the reasons behind that decision: http://blog.dizelabs.com/2016/03/22/in-app-purchase-and-supplements/ . We always appreciate your feedback on this topic :-)
Another topic:
Up to this version, we had an automatic updater activated which pushed updates from our server to your devices. With the release of this update, we are going to change this behaviour. The auto updater is now deactivated by default, you can activate it by checking the checkbox at the bottom of the overview tab.
Future plans:
We will now take another 5 months to... no, just kidding :-) The Enemies Beyond Update is in the works right now and should be available soon. The update will also add new features, including a better pdf generator, damage dice rolls, character sharing between devices and more. As always, all app features will be available for everyone. The only thing you need to unlock is the Enemies Beyond content itself.
I hope you like the new update, and I promise we will release updates quicker from now on :-)
Have a nice day!
Edited by TomDeal

This app don't Work om My ASUS memopad me302c anymore :-( The app freezes when i try to use it.

Have you tried updating the app via the google play store? We are testing all of our apps on a number of android devices before releasing them, but unfortunately we cannot test on all devices. How exactly does the app freeze?

Nice update although i got to hype that i didnt though next supplements were need to be paid for each. Everything else working great for me :)

Yeah, it was not an easy decision for us, either. I've posted the link to the blogpost explaining our decision in the post above.

I updatet the app via the google play store, i have also try to reinstall it.

The app freeze after starup and when i try to use any of the buttons.

Im still having problems with the reload button, just created a new character and when reloading, it takes the ammo you have but it doesnt save the ammo in the gun

Im havin problems with the multiplayer feature, everytime i press "create session" it just open until i send a message, then i recieve the connection unavailable message, not sure if its my connection though

Edited by jack_px

Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet 1.4.2 released

The first bugfix has been released for the new version. Here is a list of changes:

  • fixed android landscape mode
  • fixed research station not available in Enemies Without homeworlds
  • fixed empty search results in inventory
  • added specific “Enemies Without” homeworlds
  • added more options to lore skills

Thanks to all bug hunters ;-) The Android version should be available later today, the iOS version in a few days. Automatic updates via our server are currently offline due to problems with the server (see below).

I updatet the app via the google play store, i have also try to reinstall it.
The app freeze after starup and when i try to use any of the buttons.

We'll investigating this at the moment and try to fix it. If anyone else has this problem, please send us a mail or reply to this thread.

Im still having problems with the reload button, just created a new character and when reloading, it takes the ammo you have but it doesnt save the ammo in the gun

I'm really starting to love this feature :-) I'll check it.

Im havin problems with the multiplayer feature, everytime i press "create session" it just open until i send a message, then i recieve the connection unavailable message, not sure if its my connection though

The server seems to have some trouble at the moment. I've contacted the support, unfortunately it's not something we can fix from our side.

Edited by TomDeal

The 1.4.2 update is now also available for iOS devices.

The 1.4.3 bugfix update will be out tomorrow and fix problems with the Enemies Without content in the appearance tab of the creator and other minor bugs.

Anybody else having trouble with the new aptitudes system on ipad? I cant select or unselect Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill all the others work fine.

Anybody else having trouble with the new aptitudes system on ipad? I cant select or unselect Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill all the others work fine.

Yes, I can confirm this bug. Will be fixed with the next patch, which is live now/today/in a few days! :-)

1.4.3 released. Changes in this version:

- fixed missing appearance content on Enemies Without homeworlds
- fixed PDF generator bug
- added number input fields for free and manual characteristics in the character creator
- fixed imperial navy gear in character creator
- changed sorting of talent/skill specializations (now alphabetically)
- fixed a typo in the homeworlds character creator
- fixed bug in aptitudes editor
The update is now available via the auto updater, later today via the google play store for android devices and in a few days via the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad.

Anybody else having trouble with the new aptitudes system on ipad? I cant select or unselect Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill all the others work fine.

Yes, I can confirm this bug. Will be fixed with the next patch, which is live now/today/in a few days! :-)

1.4.3 released. Changes in this version:

- fixed missing appearance content on Enemies Without homeworlds

- fixed PDF generator bug

- added number input fields for free and manual characteristics in the character creator

- fixed imperial navy gear in character creator

- changed sorting of talent/skill specializations (now alphabetically)

- fixed a typo in the homeworlds character creator

- fixed bug in aptitudes editor

The update is now available via the auto updater, later today via the google play store for android devices and in a few days via the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad.

Edited by Immortal

Another update incoming!

Today, we have something very special! This minor update contains a brand new version of the framework we use to code the whole app. With this new version, we were able to increase the app's performance quite a bit! Especially on older (<4.4) Android devices, the app should now run a lot smoother. This is kind of an experimental release, so if you have any problems with the new version, please report back to us immediately.

Changes in this 1.4.4:
  • upgraded app to new framework version
  • improved performance on all devices
  • improved auto updater (now much faster and more reliable)
  • fixed bugs in psychic powers search
  • fixed bugs in skill search
The patch will be available as always later today on the Google play store, and in a few days on the Apple App Store. If you are using the auto updater, you won't get the performance boost, so please update your app from your app store as soon as it is available.
IMPORTANT: Please do a local backup of your characters before updating to the new version. There will be a new build up later today which fixes the import of backup characters.
Edited by TomDeal

I can't open the store IT Just keep loading.