I find it strange, i did The reload thing about 10 time now and to my surprise, sometimes it worked fine, and some times it didnt, ill try reinstalling
Edited by jack_pxDark Heresy Digital Character App now available
Nope problemas persist, cant find why, it just work sometimes and sometimee it doesnt
edit: Ok meaby its my phone, because i just pressed tree times the reload button and its works without problem, just had to press more than 1 time the reload button to make it work xD
Edited by jack_pxNope problemas persist, cant find why, it just work sometimes and sometimee it doesnt
edit: Ok meaby its my phone, because i just pressed tree times the reload button and its works without problem, just had to press more than 1 time the reload button to make it work xD
We'll investigate this. The reload button is always a bit problematic because of the way it is implemented, but I think it is worth the trouble :-)
Another topic:
The new version has been released for about 3 weeks now. Time to ask for feedback! :-) We did not hear any complaints about the multiplayer feature and our database show that you guys use the new feature, so if you have anything you'd like to tell us, feel free to post. Also, if you don't use the new features, we always want to know why and how we can improve the app.
Small status update on the DH 1 app:
I'll create a topic for the DH1 app once it is close to release in the appropriate forum. Just want to let you know that we are working hard on getting everything into the new app database and changing the app to represent all of the DH1 differences, including the huge character progression feature.
I am looking forward to get landscape on Android, if that is still coming? :-)
honestly i liked a lot the multiplayer feature, i only used for test because my friends doenst have the app xD, but i really liked it, although o would like the option to roll dice in offline mode too (like damage and things like that), im constantly searching for bugs so if i found one ill let you know
I am looking forward to get landscape on Android, if that is still coming? :-)
Yes, it will :-) We just fired the adeptus mechanicus who could not talk to the machine spirit and tell us why it won't turn on android... But as soon as we find the solution, we'll release an android update.
honestly i liked a lot the multiplayer feature, i only used for test because my friends doenst have the app xD, but i really liked it, although o would like the option to roll dice in offline mode too (like damage and things like that), im constantly searching for bugs so if i found one ill let you know
As a workaround, as long as you are online, you can create a mp room to get the dice rolling ability. When we have some spare time, we will improve the dice roll feature and adding more options. At the moment, the default dice roller is limited to throw ten sided dice, that's why we cannot use it for damage for example.
Will this be available as a Windows app at any point soon?
Minor bug, when buying a psichic power if you have The exact pre requisite of characteristic, it appear in red.
Will this be available as a Windows app at any point soon?
Will this be available as a Windows App? Yes. Any point soon? Soon is relative. Not in the next two months, because we need to get the DH1 app out first and the next DH2 supplement is also on the horizon. Additionally, "Windows App" is ambiguous, it could mean a windows phone/tablet app or a full pc program. I think the latter should have more content and features because a pc program has so much more potential due to the superior interface (mouse and keyboard instead of touch). We don't want to port the mobile app 1:1 to pc because it would be not the experience that is possible on these devices.
Minor bug, when buying a psichic power if you have The exact pre requisite of characteristic, it appear in red.
Thanks for the report, I've added it to the bugfix list for the next release. Seems like our adeptus mechanicus needs another night in airlock :-)
I was meaning as a phone app for Windows, yeah.
I have an andorid phone now, so I have the App. But I would still like a proper .exe program for my surface or any other PC.
Hey everyone!
sorry for being a bit quiet at the moment. We had two very stressful weeks working on multiple things at once and having to deal with some other stuff, but now we are getting back to a normal level of stressful work again ;-) To keep you up to date, I've created a new weekly developer diary which you can find on our blog ( http://blog.dizelabs.com ).
Three things from the diary I want to mention here too:
1. Milestone!
We sold the 1000th app last week! Thank you for your great support :-)
2. Enemies Without
The new supplement will be added to the DH2 app as soon as we finish the first release of the Dark Heresy 1st edition app.
3. Bug reports and problems
If you encounter a bug or having a problem with the app, please don't post the problem as an app review on the store page. It is quite impossible for us to answer these messages, because we only have 350 characters and cannot send you a direct message. The best ways for getting help from our support team is to send a mail to support@dizelabs.com or use this thread :-)
Congratulations on 1000!
Has anybody tried running this App in Windows 10? I recently upgraded and I'm curious as to whether the app is usuable in Windows or not. Is it?
Pd: nevermind it was because i had a repeated aptitude
Minor bug, after creating a warrior arbitrator from a fetal world, when purchasing toughness, it wont give me The option of add The corresponding experience used for it.
Edited by jack_pxany news about the app???, or at least the screenshot??? xDDD
Pd: nevermind it was because i had a repeated aptitude
Minor bug, after creating a warrior arbitrator from a fetal world, when purchasing toughness, it wont give me The option of add The corresponding experience used for it.
I get that occasionally -in my case (last time) it was Intelligence, with a Highborn Administratum Sage. The 'add to character sheet' option just doesn't pop up.
1. Milestone!
We sold the 1000th app last week! Thank you for your great support :-)
2. Enemies Without
The new supplement will be added to the DH2 app as soon as we finish the first release of the Dark Heresy 1st edition app.
I think that Milestone might have been me! Great App! Needs to be available for PC! Having a hell of a time exporting PDF's!
Tom; Why aren't you doing the more 'modern' systems (OW and BC)? Wouldn't that be easier than DH1? Why not RT or DW if you're doing the older stuff? It just doesn't make sense to me given that DH1 has been replaced by DH2...
Edited by RadwraithAny news?, are we still alive? xD, sorry im just a little impatient :3
Any news?, are we still alive? xD, sorry im just a little impatient :3
**** just bought it and found out i cant use it since i'm using E nemies Without :/
I don't think PDF save works on iPad 3. It counts down without errors, but I can't find the file anywhere. Where am I supposed to look?
When will the iOS version get the 1.3.1 version?
I just hope we get some news of Tom, this topic has been without his attention for a while :c
Has anyone experienced the app freezing? One of my players has a Galaxy S3 and after the application has been up for a minute or so it will stop responding (he can scroll up and down, but none of the buttons work).
Meaby too much aplications running?, i have a zte blade l2 and i dont have any problem.
Hello everyone,
first of all, I want to deeply apologize for being inactive for the last months here in this forum. We had some issues which had to be sorted out before we could continue to work on our apps. We have maintained the support during this time, but unfortunately I could not be active in the community. But these issues are sorted out now and everything is back on track :-)
And now it is time for the major announcement : The Dark Heresy 1st Edition is done and currently in review at apple, which means it should be in store soon (also for android devices)! We are really proud of the app and I hope you’ll love it, too. I will create a new thread in the DH1 forum for the app to keep both apps a bit separated. I’m also going to write a big blog post with screenshots tomorrow about the app, its features and much more.
But we have not forgotten the 2nd Edition app! On the contrary, we are currently adding the Enemies without supplement and some other cool features, especially better performance on all devices. For the next content update, we need your help: If you have characters where the pdf export feature fails, please send us the .dhdcs file of the character (to support@dizelabs.com ). We want to improve the pdf export feature to be more robust and handle errors in the character files better.
Also, the next content update will include an in-app support feature. If you encounter an error with your character, you will be able to send us the character with a description of the error directly through the app.
Additionally, the new update will include the possibility to share characters across multiple devices.
One question: Did anyone of you had trouble with the amount of internet usage of the app? We have a mysterious support case at the moment we just can’t figure out how this happened, but apparently the app was causing over 3gb of internet traffic on an android device. We never had that problem before and also haven’t had one of you reporting this behaviour, but if you have experienced this, please send us a message or reply here, so we can find the bug causing it.
Tomorrow I’m going through this thread and reply to every question I missed in the last months as well as update the blog and our website :-)
Thanks and have a nice day!