New to roleplay

By ras1710, in Black Crusade

I was asked by some friends to try out black crusade. I said yes, but have never played a table top game like this and am not sure what I'm expected to do. I've been reading the lore so that I can get a basic understanding of the universe, but I'm still confused as to what I'll actually be doing. we made a character for me it's a sorcerer who worships nurgle, any advice on playing this so I don't just sit there silently doing nothing. I want to give this a fair shot, but it all seems weird to me.

If you have access to it, flip to page 8 of the Core book and read the basics.

Basically, you are playing an imaginary person with dreams, hopes, ambitions (you need to define those to flesh out the character) and you are a part of the story - which in turn is narrated & guided by the Game Master.

Most of the fun is usually in the interactions between player and non-player (played by the Game Master) characters.

As for Nurgle, look up what the old Grandfather stands for, think about how it aligns with your character's goals and go from there. :)

Oh and Black Crusade is an odd (and wonderful) duck, in that; at a glance - it can be interpreted to endorse players killing players as the Gods and their servants often have conflicting viewpoints.

But we found that with an experienced group, we can have elaborate schemes, teamwork, alliances, backstabbings, etc. without the entire story falling apart.

Exactly, understand what your character wants, what they have to get what they want, and what they need to do to get what they want.

Don't be too worried about being terrifically combat effective, it's your first experience you'll hit bumps along the way.

Being Nurgle aligned is probably for the best, Papa Nurgle loves working with everyone, he's not called the loving grandfather for nothing.

Finally got around to playing, was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Although apparently getting mad at a voice in your head is a bad idea... pissed off a greater demon got possessed ed lost an arm and my knee caps.

Sounds like just another Tuesday in the Vortex.

Glad to hear you had fun, and welcome to the hobby! Tabletop roleplaying is a whole new world of entertainment, with a great many games and settings for you to explore. That's for later, though ... good luck in your BC campaign! :)

Yeah, you're definitely playing Black Crusade.

Black Crusade typically takes place in a sector called The Screaming Vortex. If you're new to 40k, picture it as a sector of space where reality intersects with a parellel dimension that is an ocean of corruptive energy that fuels people's souls, while also teeming with sentient soul-sharks that want nothing more than to rip you open and drink the juicy bits, followed by your soul. That ocean can be influenced by the wills of the strong-minded, and so when it collides with reality, it makes the delightfully eccentric environments you get in the Screaming Vortex.

Oh, so a relatively slow start then!

me and another player want to try to make a demon host, but not entirely sure how to do it. We understand how to get the demon there but the possession ritual leaves me with a couple questions

1.The book says to do a hard -20 demonology test, what stat would go along with this?

2.Can different people preform different parts of the ritual?

example: I summon/bind the demon while someone with better stats for the demon test does the ritual itself.

3.Would PR give any bonuses like when using regular abilities? and if so would the paths to power be able to be used to further increase the chance?

We want to do this, but it's my first experience in role play and it's the other guys first time in this world(at least the chaos side of it)

I know there is an inherent risk in doing any of this, but what are all possible way to improve our chances?

The demon to summon will most likely be a plaugebearer because the area we are in is already ideal for this

we have a psyker(me) a hereteck(help) and then a on his way khorne berserker who is not being included in this for obvious reasons.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Lore test usually use Intelligence as a base stat.

So one of you being possessed or you summon a daemon into a victim?

Others can help with the ritual but there is always one the leader who make the tests...

Tome of Excess can help to find useful modifiers to your rituals...(page 57. Table 2.-8) (remind that the maximum and minimum modifiers are +60 and -60)

Note to yourself the degree of Success and the binding strength ....Always...

Edited by Athanatosz

He wants to put a demon in someone else first, then if that goes well is thinking of putting one in himself. thanks for the reference page that helped alot.

one last question, when it says "Modifer Condition (combine any applicable modifiers to arrive at the net modifier)"

does that mean the modifiers stack?

example: The sacred numbers have been used correctly +20, and the enactor has a ritual kit +10 to make 30 or is it just the highest modifier?

Yes. modifiers can stack but the maximum you can net is +60. (being more specific -60 to +60 is the intervallum.)

thanks for all the help the GM has approved, he was upset and happy :P he didn't think i would take enough interest to research everything needed.

The help was wasted I died before I could even attempt it, I pushed when I shouldn't of pushed... on the bright side our new characters are filled with so much more life and I think I'm in love with this game :D


Using 'push' too regularly is a classic mistake. Pushed powers are for when you are in serious trouble. Assume you're going to end up (at least) taking serious damage plus a handful of corruption if the power works correctly, and then ask yourself if that's realy better than just the injuries you'll suffer winning the fight the hard way....

Good luck with the new characters!

It was the first time I had pushed -_- the new character is way more fun though. The first guy didn't have much of a personallity because I still felt awkward about everything.