Krieg 2nd Medical and Suicide Company

By Xathrus, in Only War House Rules

Greetings -

I wanted a bit fun for a convention (UKGE last year and this year + International Table Top day last month) - one off much fun games so the Krieg 2nd were born (don't ask what happend to the Krieg 1st M & S company). The game style is lots of action and many deaths to counter this each trooper has 6 batch mates - no comrades. Each batch has a sergeant, medic, heavy weapons and three weapon specialists - numbered (named) 1/1 of 6, 1/2 of 6, etc. If 1/1 of 6 gets killed then 2/1 of 6 gets teleported down to the action.

I run the game as Commissar Havelock von Havelock III (Jnr.) - the funny thing is the monsters tend to ignore me and concentrate on the other guards.

The sergeant maintains the company moral issuing orders and justice as needed - I only step in when he gets things wrong. The medic gets to try to save lives and euthanise the badly wounded, the heavy weapons gets to wear some webbing with two house bricks in - many props are used for bandages, nerf guns and name badges to keep up with who is who.

If the sergeant dies then the next clone must take his place (i.e. die so a replacement can be teleported down leading to some fun situations e.g. 1/3 of 6 was the medical and had failed a fear test and was gibbering in the corner making no sense. 1/4 of 6 was attempting to revive him - the radio conversation went something like this.....

1/3 of 6 "AARRGHHH, the worms! The worms!"

1/4 of 6 "Commissar the medic is gibbering"

Commissar "Slap some sense in to him then man!"


1/4 of 6 "Slap administered sir, no change in gibbering!"

Commissar "4 is it your opinion that the medical is beyond help?"

1/4 of 6 "Sir, I'm no medic, but it looks bad!"

Commissar "Retire the medic!"

1/4 of 6 "Yes sir!" - BANG!

Commissar "4 we need a new medic, your next, retire yourself so the replacement can be teleported down."

1/4 of 6 "Yes sir!" - BANG!

2/3 of 6 "Reporting for duty sir!"

2/4 of 6 "Reporting for duty sir!"

There is a definite sense of Paranoia about the game but played for some very dark humour.

Initiative calls are good fun -

One? 8!

Two? 9!

Three? 2!?!

Four? 11!!

You get the idea...

First game 18 deaths - 6 due to Sergeant, 6 due to Medic, 4 due to Commissar and 2 to Xeno..much fun had by all.