Andoird: Netrunner Tournament at Momocon in Atlanta, May 30th

By GunMetalDrac, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

MomoCon ( ) is excited once again to host an Android: Netrunner tournament!

Saturday, May 30th starting at 11:00 am (Registration will begin at 10:30) The tournament will be located in the MomoCon gaming area. There is no entry fee beyond admission to the con. Prize support will include Android:Netrunner items from the current game night kit, alternate art cards such as alternate art Noise and Jinteki: Personal Evolution, MomoCon tshirts and playmats. Additionally, thanks to the generosity of the organizers of the Southern Megacity Circuit ( ), the first place winner will have their entry fee covered for one of the qualifying tournaments on the circuit.

The tournament will be run according to FFG's tournament rules, incorporating the most current FAQ and with all cards having a street date of May 30th or earlier being legal. There will be a number of swiss rounds based on attendance followed by a cut to elimination rounds. Per FFG rules, players will need to have their cards sleeved.

There will also be a learn and play for Android: Netrunner on Friday night from 8-10. Whether you’re new to the game and looking to learn the ropes or a hardened runner just looking for a chance to take down a corp, come run the nets for fun and glory.

For those who don't know, MomoCon is one of the fastest growing all ages conventions in the country. Fans of Japanese Anime, American Animation, and Video Games come together to celebrate their passion by costuming / cosplay, browsing the huge exhibitors hall, meeting celebrity voice talent, designers, and writers behind their favorite shows and games, and much much more over this 4 day event (May 28th – 31st). Whether you are an anime fan, gamer, or just like watching cartoons, all are welcome at MomoCon!