I've seen te text statteing that marines cannot benefit from more than one squad mode ability per round or at once. After looking at the description for solo mode abilities I only see that they can be "used freely".
I take this to mean that a character can simultaineously be benefitting from multiple solo mode abiliteis at the same time. For instance; A marine in melee with a dangerous foe might use Righteous zeal and Feat of strength and Emperor's grace. Also, since activating these specific abiities are free actions, our hypotheitcal marine (who by his solo modes we can deduce is a level seven or higher black templar) can kick all three of them off in the same round unless the GM thinks that this exceeds a common sense reasonable limit on the number fo free actions taken in a round.
Is this right? Can my starting marine activte both boost of speed and feat of stength in the same turn to rush that extra few meters to his target and whomp it extra hard?
Edited by Tyrrell