
By PanKalich, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Last gaming session of ours we've got into a quite unclear situation.

Aun'shi killed last opposing unit on the planet, then he retreated to the HQ after resolving his attack. We could not decide if the planet is conquered or not.

Any ideas?

No, the battle ends in a stalemate because neither player has units at the planet at the beginning of a combat turn. See p27. of the rules reference guide. If this is the first planet then it will be discarded, and battle abilities will not be triggered.

Edited by babelfish666

Thank you

You know I never knew that the first planet is discarded if there's a draw. I assumed no-one won it but it would stay in play and you just try again next round.

It's never come up in a match as far as I remember, but with Aun'shi the possibility was more real, since he's very hit-and-run.

You know I should probably read that there rulebook one of these days...

Rulebook? What's that? I thought we were just supposed to come here and wait on a response... What's that? No?! Oh $h!t...