The Force

By Lee418, in Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion

The Force resource cards allow a player to exhaust one of his own or his opponents cards. But how does this work? Does the player using the Force card simply exhaust another card without further effect? Or is the exhausted card's ability used?

To explain what I mean here is an example:

During my turn I exhaust my The Force card and use it to exhaust one of my opponents Recon cards. Do I now get to use the power of that Recon card to look at the top cards in the resource deck? Or is the Recon card just exhausted and nothing further happens?

No, you don't use the power of the exhausted card. You just turn it sideways so that the power cannot be used.

Thanks for the clarification. :) But now I've got a related follow up question.

The Force card can be used to exhaust an opponents cards or your own cards. Why would you want to exhaust your own cards? The only thing I can think of that might be useful is to exhaust a Character card without triggering it's Power. Is there any other use that I'm not seeing?

Edited by Lee418

Good question. Exhausting a character card is the only thing I can think of that might be useful. Perhaps you might play mind games by exhausting a card you don't want them to discard with their Military card?

OK. Thanks. :)

Thanks for the clarification. :) But now I've got a related follow up question.

The Force card can be used to exhaust an opponents cards or your own cards. Why would you want to exhaust your own cards? The only thing I can think of that might be useful is to exhaust a Character card without triggering it's Power. Is there any other use that I'm not seeing?

And that is very useful indeed. In certain situations that can bring you down below the point limit and in position to win the game after having faked that you were out.

As in:

I am over the limit. My opponent passes, thinking the game is won. I exhaust my card and suddenly the game is open again.

That certainly can be useful, but I just think it's situational since usually you can exhaust your hero for its effect and you're better off. And if you can't execute the hero's effect, you can exhaust it anyway. The only time this would be useful is if you didn't want to use the hero's ability. For example, one of the abilities that causes you to draw a card from your deck and put it into play. But with cards like Yoda (exhaust to gain 1 influence) or Tarkin (exhaust to force your opponent to lose 1 resource), you might as well exhaust them for their ability instead of using your Force card to do it since your Force card can shut down their Military cards.