Application of stress

By bpayne361, in Zombie Apocalypse

Hi all!

Just finished reading the book and really like it a lot. I've pondered over things and I was just wondering- has anyone applied different stress to players than what was used as the category? I thought to myself- what if you're getting ready to fire on a zombie that's right on you. You've been trying to find a better position to fire but it's dark, you've just seen your friend eaten by them, you're SCARED and it's "closing in" - Now say you fire on it and get two stress from the affair. Would it not make more sense to gain two mental stress instead of physical due to what had transpired before the shot and what you had to see and do in order to get to a position to fire? Thoughts? Thanks


This has been debated quite a bit here. General consensus is that, some people like the idea and choose to do it, but it is contrary to Rules As Written and for that reason some people choose not to do it.

The ultimate answer IMO is to do what works and makes sense for your table.