Hi All,
This tournament was part of our Spring League:
This time around we had 5 attendees:
Steve S - General Weiss (Elite), StormTrooper (Elite)x2, Stormtrooper x1
Cliff S - Dialc Possil, Han Solo, Jyn Oden, Gideon Argus, Rebel Saboteur (Elite), Rebel Troopers
Nathan B - Devious Scheme, IG-88, Nexu Elite, Nexu, Trandoshan Hunter (Elite), Tandoshan Hunter
Daniel V - Vader (Elite), Royal Guard Champion (Elite), Imperial Officer (Elite), Imperial Officer
Darren L - Ig-88 (Elite), Trandohan (Elite), Nexu (Elite), Temporary Alliance, Jyn Odan, Rebel Trooper
Round 1
Dan (23) Vs. Steve (43)
Dan (23) Vs. Steve (43)
Darren (24) Vs. Nathan (29)
Cliff - Bye
Round 2
Steve (41) Vs. Cliff (0)
Steve (41) Vs. Cliff (0)
Nathan (23) Vs. Dan (39)
Darren Bye + Drop
Round 3
Steve (33) Vs. Nathan (18)
Cliff (40) Vs. Dan (15)
Final Standings:
Steve 9pts
Cliff 6 Pts
Dan 3 Pts
Nathan 3 Pts
Darren 3 Pts
The Steve created an online battle report for the tournament, viewable here:
Looking forward to the league Wrap up tomorrow at our Star Wars Celebration Day!