Any relationship between the (actual) margin crusade and the severan dominate?

By Decessor, in Only War

The actual Margin Crusade, led by Confessor Corvinius, perished beyond the spinward front of the Calixis Sector, somewhere beyond Kalf.

I can't help but think Duke Severus might have known about this, maybe even profited by the Imperium's loss. Perhaps a few of the margin crusade's ships ended up in Dominate hands?

No evidence as far as I know, but it would make sense. Duke Severus is a connected sub-sector lord and has ties to old Rogue Trader money, with ties to the Dark Eldar. He certainly stole a bunch of good stuff (Lycurgos Star Fort comes to mind). Throne, he was probably skimming men and gear from the top of the Margin Crusades levies for years.

Makes sense. I can imagine a worn-out crusade officer jumping at the chance of "disappearing" to a job away from any frontline.

Whatever makes lord Severus more guilty serves my plot.