The Harbinger is coming - New expansion announced!

By talismanisland, in Talisman

!!! The anticipation is strong

Another piece of cool artwork that was first shown when the news broke...

Color me rather disappointed! It is a day after the so called release date. I get that they can have production problems, but one would think that they would give us a new FFG preview. sigh. Nothing, No Thing.

I can't touch my whistle anymore ether its too hot.

Not surprised at all, and the rest of you shouldn't be either. As I said before FFG usually waits AT LEAST two months after the first preview before another one shows up. Realistically I don't expect another sample until early to mid July. Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to this release (Of course I am!!!) I'm just being realistic about it.

You're right, Mr. QQ and I am especially whiney - - but should know this!

Having said that, Monday is June 29 and that first announcement was on April 29 - two months!

(except, you're right again - - -"At least 2 months" - - so the FFG Godz may not deliver until after Monday, perhaps)

Thank you Jon, for all the sneak peaks you've shared. This one looks pretty good, too.

The exp has been "On The Boat" for ages now, where the heck is that **** boat?? :huh:

Edited by Nioreh

The exp has been "On The Boat" for ages now, where the heck is that **** boat?? :huh:

Storm River. Obviously, it hasn't gotten rid of the poltergeist yet.

Edited by chemical22

Hahaa, well of course, my bad :)

You know how some gamers say "Toad! Toad!", etc, when they want someone who is encountering, Enchantress, for example, to be turned....

I bring you the power of WE, mass-chanting

"Harbinger! Harbinger! Harbinger!"

Come on everyone, we can make this happen!


Whoops! Wrong Harbinger.

So, ummm, maybe the boar took a detour - into the Talisman Ocean?

So, ummm, maybe the boar took a detour - into the Talisman Ocean?


Edited by talismanisland

Maybe my spell-checker took that detour too!

Okay - - didn't want to say this yesterday, but . . . .

my wife got home from a convention in San Francisco, where FFG had a table in the vendor area. Nice rep, a Lady, who had all the news about Harbinger - including . . .

its coming out in the Fall quarter, according to the lady.

Hmmmmmm. July - to me - starts the Summer or 3rd quarter, running until Sept. 30, which then brings Oct 1st, the 4th or Fall quarter.

I suppose there is some semantical word play; Is Jan - March the Winter quarter, as well as 1st quarter?

Or did the rep just not really know and said 'Fall' when she should have said 3rd (or whatever) quarter. Since 2nd is come and gone, we know that date/announcement only served to rev us up and drop us down.

Anyone else?

I think she doesn't have any idea when the Harbinger will be released, but she had to answer something, so she said the nearest season.

That's what I think too, but wifey tends to believe these kind of folks. (I smirk inwardly)

at any rate, we're not closer to any knowledge or news; it has been "at least 2 months" as a fellow poster said.

And that's all we get!

And I also said I realistically don't expect to hear anything more until early to mid July. That's ALWAYS been the way when expansions are announced. It's usually a little over two months until we get the second preview, then we get previews about every two weeks afterwards. I'm pretty positive we will hear something by July 15th, but don't start panicking if we don't! :)

While I agree, considering the past, it seems really disjointed this time; 2nd quarter (which has ended) as release date, forever "on the boat" status, and now a sales/? Rep at their table at a large (over 20,000 attendees) saying "Fall".

All of this means, no one knows - so, why bother saying anything then, I guess?

I think they slipped and meant third quarter.

Amazon has it up as: In stock on October 30, 2015.

Well that is hopeful as I have preordered from FRP games before and they were correct on their date within a few days...