(Canada) Android Regionals (Montréal) at Gamers' Vault

By CellularGhost, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

Hello fellow runners,

The Android Netrunner Regionals for the Montreal Area will happen on Saturday May 30th at Gamers' Vault.

You can find us here: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Gamers+Vault+Inc/@45.485957,-73.627098,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xc29fee2412a0bee0

We have enough space for a very large attendance so runners from other countries/regions are more than welcomed to compete!

The entry fee is 20$/non-members 15$ for our members

Prizes are from the Regional Kit for Android Netrunner. You can see them here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/1/16/2015-android-netrunner-regional-championships/

Registration: 10:15

Tournament begins around 11:00

The number of rounds and end of tournament depends on the amount of players regsitered. There will probably be a 30 mins break to allow players to get food if there are a lot of rounds.

Bring your A-Game, Montreal has some of the best players in North America (they finish in Top 4s for major events like Gencon and Canadian Nationals). If you play more casually you are still welcomed as this promises to be an amazing event!