then what was the point in making them if they're just going to ban them? It would be Black Luster Soldier EotB and Choas Emperor Dragon EofE all over again.
Kingdom Key
Well its what happens to a lot of creators for anything when they first think an idea but than later on they think of a better idea and put that into motion while completely destroying the old idea. So the creators were thinking attack cards from the GBA game but than I guess since it wasnt exactly like the GBA game they decided to make equipments for players since they made some for friends. Its all really when they get new ideas and what they think is better like when they start introducing ability cards cause those will probably be specific on certain things are required to use them like even equipment so they wanted to create something that could stay longer.
Roxas is right though. I remember the "forbidden card" list from that game and eventually they ended up banning some really good cards, that were really basic too (e.g. "Change of Heart).
I dont know, but they brought back Monster Reborn recently so ........
But why would you create them, only to ban them if you're FFG. Seems like a waste of cards and money.
Or there are equipment Oathkeepers and equipment Oblivion....ya know, a more logical thing so you could run both.
Running both would be better than completely eliminating an entire type of card.
And Roxas, I remember when they added that to the list...c'mon! That was like a really basic, but good, card!
No they just brought it back like 3 months ago. I was like.......okay I'm getting the h*ll out of this game for good. The only card I can say I still own is my Cyber Dragon series.
But how would that work with the 3 of each name limit? I'm just wondering because we've never had cards of the same name that branch over more than one type before.
Most of the the equipment stated limit 1 so it's not really an issue.
And its the fact that oblivion said Limit 1 so you could technically have one of that and 2 of the equipment versions if they all are still gonna be playable with each other. Though I guess what roxas said will just make it easier if equipments are limit 1 but that kinda makes it gimp a little.
yeah but if you can play both sets of Oathkeeper/Oblivion, Roxas kinda becomes a good JoaT choice depending on the effects of the equipment cards.
There's nothing really wrong with that though...considering the fact that I almost always run a JoAT deck.
Well the only problem with Roxas is the limited amount of friends he is allowed to play so it wouldn't be that great of a JoaT decks. Though I think he could be a good aggro when you put enough effort into it cause I think his initial starting ability is to search the deck of oathkeeper and oblivion and equip them or it may be just be oblivion.