A simple search of the forums for "Iron Hands bioncs" did not turn up an answer to thhis question.
The iron hands solo mode requires multile bionic replacements. If there is an Iron hands character who is not a techmarine, how do they go about getting these bionics? Elete advances?, signature wargear? hope that they get their limbs blow off in combat and replaced? house rules?
There is a mention in the core book that both iron hands and tech marines get optional bionic repacement but then goes in to specifics about techmarines. That's understandable, Iron hands weren't covered in the core book. Is there some simiarily hidden place where it tells us to use the same rules for Iron Hands?
While I'm on the subject, the three flesh is weak talents on the Iron hands' chapter advance table require mechanicus implants. This means that, baring some wacky coincidence they're only applicable to techmaines. Is this correct?