Multiple ships in Boarding action.

By Kapelan, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

So as the title says.

I cant find rules for multiple ships in the boarding action. I have couple of ideas how to approach this scenario but I want to hear your ideas.

So the way I want to play it is to give a + 20 for a command check for "ganging up". The resolving of the combat is a bit more fussy.

The scenario is something like this. 2 PC raiders with hull int~25 Pop 100 Turet rating 1 Board a Cruser with Hull int 70 pop 100 and Turret rating 2. Lets break down the + and - for comand check for players. +20 "ganging up" aaand that it right? The cruiser gets + 10 (turet rating) +50 for Hull integrity = +60.

So here I have trouble figureing out how it happens. Does both players make their comand rolls and add the DoS vs the cruiser Command roll. Then calculate who have more DoS to determine the winner. So by this method we have clear winners and losers.

The 2nd option is to have the opposed check vs each player individualy. A much harder to win for the "Gangin up" side but I feel it's more fare for a bigger ship. Resolving each boarding separately and once one side loses on a morale check it is no longer effective in the boarding action.

Could you not go even simpler and have the person most likely to succeed to make the test as normal but with the standard assistance rules?

I know this discounts the turrets and the like for the assistant ship but perhaps if you force the ship being ganged up on to divide it's turrets among all potential targets then it almost balances out.

I tend to do it in sequence but if one ship succeeds in the -20 pilot roll to lock itself on for boarding (which the rules state then brings both ships to a halt) it would then become a +0 pilot test for any other ships to board them.

As for the boarding itself I make these separate actions and rule that each needs it's own commander to lead the defence - so usually the Rogue trader leads the first one but after that its either down to another player with command or the crew rating - I feel this accurately reflects the difficulty of fighting off multiple boarding actions at once...

Like many, I've gone the route of giving the larger ship a bonus for having a much larger crew. It dosn't apply to H&R actions, but boarding, yes. I think it will have a greater effect on the battle than the notion that 2 smaller ships are boarding from 2 different directions.

I have thought about giving bonuses to larger crews but then I thought about what a boarding action on an Imperium ship entails.

As we know from the fluff the largest proportion of the ships crew spend their entire lives below decks working away - it follows that a larger ship has more of these folk but that they don't necessarily even know who the captain is and are probably largely uncaring so probably grant no bonus.

If you want to board and take over a ship you have to reach the bridge and kill or depose the current captain. I don't see the bridge crew of a larger ship being significantly larger than that of a smaller class of ship since they don't really do anything more than on a small ship so I don't offer a bonus.

Those are reasonable explanations. If, however, you follow the 10% rule on armed crew, then the larger crew does have more people for a boarding action.