What are the rules to shaven morale?

By philosophant, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I am having my players fight some next session. I have the creature vault but not the book for it.



Assuming your title was a typo (and not some creature devoid of body hair that i've yet to encounter in the lore) i'm guessing you meant Skaven. To my knowledge and the rules in Tome of Adventure p.62 (though I could be mistaken) there aren't any specific morale rules pertaining to Skaven (unlike for example Beastmen which have unruly trait meaning they're likely to break when allies receive critical wounds).

Skaven fight tooth and nail and in fact each clan has trackers that are likely to give it more of an advantage as a fight progresses rather than see them flee. I think basically according to the lore the footsoldiers are expendable and leaders are happy for many to die if it means the death of an enemy. The knowledge of what would befall them at the hands of their leader should they flee is likely to be far worse than death at the hands of enemies making them a quite formidable foe, especially if backed up by rat ogres and a seer.

At least that's my take on it;

I was guessing about the morale tracker too. Why I ask is because on the card from the vault it talks about the morale.

You could probably use the morale rules for Greenskins:

Morale: Place a token on the space equal to the highest greenskin Strength. If a greenskin is killed while they no longer outnumber their opponents, advance the token one space. When the token reaches space 2, surviving greenskins with the lowest threat rating gain the demoralised condition. When the token reaches space 0 or -2, all demoralised greenskins flee. Then all greenskins with the lowest threat gain the demoralised condition.

[6+][5 ][4 ][3 ][2 ][1 ][0 ][-1][-2]

Funny that no one has noticed up until now that there aren't actually morale rules for the skaven.

Thanks, that's perfect!

As a caveat though I would say that I'd be wary of applying EXACTLY the same rules for Goblins to Skaven. I would definitely say that Skaven should be less inclined to flee than the spineless goblins, particularly if there is a Skaven leader present.

Just a heads-up if you're using the Skaven group tracker cards from the Vault. In my experience, a lot of those cards have trackers that are too long to really work. The fights are usually over (by total elimination of one side or the other) well before you reach the fun parts of most of those trackers. A lot of those trackers only advance 1 space per turn, and it's a pretty rare battle that lasts much more than 3 turns in this game. Most (but not all) of them would be better (a lot more likely to be worth the effort of tracking, and still pretty well balanced) if they moved twice as often, or moved twice as many spaces when they do trigger.

If I recall correctly, the Clan Eshin tracker is one of the cards with that problem. I used it as-is for a big three-stage encounter, and I think it only ever modified a single die roll before the episode was over.

Well, what I'm planning is that the pcs fight shaven in sewer, 3 pcs, like 3 groups of slave henchmen, two clan rats, and a plague priest.

Use a tracker to follow a second group of npcs who were searching for the pcs. Every time the pcs do something good, move that track up. Once the second group of npcs get there, the shaven will be outnumbered and the track will have some affect on them.

But we'll see how that goes. The group isn't super fighter, coachmen, barber surgeon, grave robber. So hopefully they can come up with some good ideas. They are fighting in an underground mausoleum. I think they could try to seal the door, maybe block it, or just kill some skaven.

In our game I find myself often referring to the Universal Head Rules Summary Sheet, since they're fairly comprehensive and concise. Here's what they have to say about Morale and it's applicable to each enemy kind rather than making up a new rule for each creature.


If desired, create a Progress Tracker with spaces equal to the

average Willpower, then an event space, then spaces equal to

the highest Aggression, then another event space.

For each creature defeated, advance a token one space along

the track. Advance it another space or two if the heroes

successfully intimidate them in some way. Move the token

one space back for each hero defeated (two if defeated by a

particularly gruesome attack).

When the first event space is reached, make an Average (2 )

D is cipline check based on the weakest creature remaining.

If the check succeeds, the most heavily wounded creature

of that type flees. If the check fails, all wounded creatures of

that type flee.

If the token reaches the end of the track, either all enemies

flee, or, all enemies of the lowest rank flee.

I'd concur with R B Bergstrom's view and perhaps shorten aforementioned tracker and/or rule that each incident moves the tracker 2 steps rather than one. But of course that's up to you.