2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

What? There was only one turret in top 8 in WV regionals. The only 2-ship in top 8 was IG's.

Early results seem to be that if you don't like turrets or the two ship meta it might be time to find a new game

Yeah, and if you thought those were going to be leaving the metagame, I could've easily have told you that you would be wrong. Just look at some of these lists in the top 8! How can you be angry with some of this diversity. The meta is still settling from the 1-2 punch of Wave 6 and the Phantom change.

Biggs has never lost relevance.

Edited by ParaGoomba Slayer

Just because the squads that used Biggs fell out of favor, did not diminish his role in protecting key ships.

What? There was only one turret in top 8 in WV regionals. The only 2-ship in top 8 was IG's.

Ya, and it won. With the defending world champ in the top 8 with it.

Just because the squads that used Biggs fell out of favor, did not diminish his role in protecting key ships.

First you state that the squads that used him fell out of favor, then you state that his role in the game hasn't diminished. That's like telling me that swarms fell out of favor, but Howlrunner's presence in the meta hasn't diminished. It's rather contradictory.

His role hasn't shifted. His ability to perform it against the reigning meta lists has.

Just because the squads that used Biggs fell out of favor, did not diminish his role in protecting key ships.

First you state that the squads that used him fell out of favor, then you state that his role in the game hasn't diminished. That's like telling me that swarms fell out of favor, but Howlrunner's presence in the meta hasn't diminished. It's rather contradictory.

I think I see what he's saying. Biggs himself wasn't really worse, just the squads he's best in were. As the meta shifted towards 2 ship builds, there isn't really a place for Biggs. 4 or 5 ship rebels are back, and Biggs is back along with it.

What? There was only one turret in top 8 in WV regionals. The only 2-ship in top 8 was IG's.

Ya, and it won. With the defending world champ in the top 8 with it.

The cool thing was that it was a not-commonly-discussed-online variant with more points of support than typical fat turrets.

Cardiff came down to the battle of the YTs in the final. Tom Reed won it with Chewie and Dash. Hell of a final, great sportsmanship and superb to watch.

I myself came 37th (of 62) - better than I had hoped at any rate :)

I won the Omaha regionals this weekend.

Eaden Vrill: HLC, anti-pursuit lasers, recon sepc

Chewbacca: C3PO, title, Luke Skywalker, Predator.

Not sure if anyone got a list of the other top player builds but 6 rebel and 2 scum were in top 8

If I could remember all that was on Aaron Bonar's list it would be better but here is what I remember



Sensor Jammer

Lone Wolf


Moldy Crow

Engine Upgrade

Blaster Turret

Syndicate Thug


Ion Cannon Turret

The final game was some of the best X-Wing playing I've seen. Awesome flying on both sides, and some wild dice rolls. End came with Guri having 1 hull and Chewbacca having 1 hull before the final shot finally stuck. So many dodges for so many rounds with both ships at 1 Hull

I won the Omaha regionals this weekend.

Eaden Vrill: HLC, anti-pursuit lasers, recon sepc

Chewbacca: C3PO, title, Luke Skywalker, Predator.

Not sure if anyone got a list of the other top player builds but 6 rebel and 2 scum were in top 8

If I could remember all that was on Aaron Bonar's list it would be better but here is what I remember



Sensor Jammer

Lone Wolf


Moldy Crow

Engine Upgrade

Blaster Turret

Syndicate Thug


Ion Cannon Turret

The final game was some of the best X-Wing playing I've seen. Awesome flying on both sides, and some wild dice rolls. End came with Guri having 1 hull and Chewbacca having 1 hull before the final shot finally stuck. So many dodges for so many rounds with both ships at 1 Hull

My mind is blown. Can't wait for the details on Aaron Bonar's list!

Did Omaha use cryodex?

Did Omaha use cryodex?

I believe they did.

I can't remember all the "fine" details of the final match.But what i can recall this is how the 2 hour long match went from my perspective:

i won the initiative roll and gave it to Aaron. the reason being is that Guri and Palob are the same PS as my Chewbacca. The reason being i wanted to give the burden of positioning to him (he had engine on palob and vipers are wily little buggers)
Due to set up and turn 1 & 2 movements the Thug was my easiest target. Vrill's HLC and chewie slammed it hard, dropping it to i believe 1 HP, his thug ended up dealing 2 dmg overall to Vrill.
Next Vrill broke ahead towards Guri and Palob while chewie finished the Thug. I moved vrill in an attempt to have guri and/or Palob slam into Vrill for some APL action, but Palob was less than a hair from hitting Vrill, and he used Palob to stop Guri from hitting Vrill. Vrill ate quite a bit of damage and only netted i think a shield strip on Palob.
Next i tried moving Vrill out of the blaster turret range but failed
My next target was Palob, mainly because chewie at this point was healthy and i felt as though was capable of handling Guri in the late game.
When Palob went down Guri was coming back around and Vrill was at 1 HP with a target lock on Guri.
I got Chewie and Vrill regrouped and pointing at Guri, Our first engagement together ended with Vrill going down. it was now Guri VS Chewie and i'll be damned if that was not one hell of a slug fest.
Because of AT and Sensor jammer Damage was very hard to net (even with Luke and Predator) since i needed to keep taking evade to die as slow as possible.
Aaron was stellar with arc dodging and getting range 1 shots. After trying to land out of arc shots and failing i started utilizing K-turns to get Guri in arc, but the damage i was taking was more detrimental than negating AT and getting me no where so i went back to just trying to land damage out of arc.
My relief came when i landed 2 crits on Guri. Guri's Hard turns were now red, and now when Guri performed a red move Aaron had to roll an attack dice against himself. This clipped those agile star viper wings. we both got turned around and did a pass or 2 and i ended up getting a 3rd crit on Guri. now if Guri ran into me she suffered a damage. I was almost home free but This is where I got L-U-C-K-Y. Guri Had a shot on Chewie, 3 hits. At this point i'm at 1 health. and so time for 3PO to save the day and HE DID, I tried to finish my pass on Guri and had to take a rang 1 from Guri. once again 3 hits, and praise the golden droid he came through a 2nd time. Now it fell totally on me to stay behind Guri and in the end the last damage came from me rolling 2 hits and 2 focus while having a focus token.

The dice were INSANE this match, Aaron and I both were countering eachothers tactics and because our lists had slight counters or strengths to each other it was nothing more than a huge skill match. I thank him for it, it was some of the most exciting X-wing I've played.My only regret is that it wasn't taped.

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

Did Omaha use cryodex?

I believe they did.

Really? I thought everyone had to use FFG's software, no questions asked.

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

Biggs is good to protect the stressbot Y-wing.

I played a similar list at 2 store championships, first replacing a B-Wing by another ion BTL-A then replacing both and it is really effective.

I took third and second place with it.

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

First of all, with this list, you don't need to buy a second Rebel Aces. :)

I really like what Biggs adds to protect the Y-Wing. If your opponent focuses anything, it's always the Y. In a Panic build you want to kill that thing before he hoses your best ship. Biggs' job is to make sure the Y makes it to battle, and gets behind their best ship. It also really helps the swarm matchup, as you might be able to force them to split fire and not kill anything while you can focus fire.

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

I'm pretty curious too. I would never be too disappointed to to kill Biggs in that list early. He's not doing that much less than the other three, and he's frequently easier to kill. I guess it does draw ships into the teeth of the formation a little better if the other squad wants to avoid having to split fire.

edit: this is probably thinking that comes about from taking TIE Defenders too often. Where stress is somewhat annoying, but doesn't really change how you play that much.

Edited by Biophysical

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

First of all, with this list, you don't need to buy a second Rebel Aces. :)

I really like what Biggs adds to protect the Y-Wing. If your opponent focuses anything, it's always the Y. In a Panic build you want to kill that thing before he hoses your best ship. Biggs' job is to make sure the Y makes it to battle, and gets behind their best ship. It also really helps the swarm matchup, as you might be able to force them to split fire and not kill anything while you can focus fire.

Thanks Paul. That makes perfect sense. For some reason I am still unnaturally biased toward thinking about B-Wings and mostly disregarding Y-Wings.

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Paul Heaver: (4R Panic Attack)


2x Blue+E2+Tactician


I'm dying to see this list flown. At first blush, it seems inferior to straight Panic Attack. People are going to focus fire a B-Wing, so Biggs is basically adding an extra green die, and perhaps forcing a range 3 attack at the start when it might otherwise be a range 2.

I'm certain Paul finds a way to work Biggs into just the right spot to put it over the top compared to straight panic attack, but it feels like the advantage would be slight enough that only a top player would consistently see the benefit of Biggs over a 3rd B-Wing.

I'm pretty curious too. I would never be too disappointed to to kill Biggs in that list early. He's not doing that much less than the other three, and he's frequently easier to kill. I guess it does draw ships into the teeth of the formation a little better if the other squad wants to avoid having to split fire.

edit: this is probably thinking that comes about from taking TIE Defenders too often. Where stress is somewhat annoying, but doesn't really change how you play that much.

Yea defenders and a few other ships can get in, take the stress and make it back out. Most ships that come on close for the Biggs kill will die with a pile of stress and 2 B's and a Y chipping them down.

Did Omaha use cryodex?

I believe they did.

Then what's happening? Two big regionals, one with Dorcy in attendance and no data up? This is madness!

Did Omaha use cryodex?

I believe they did.

Then what's happening? Two big regionals, one with Dorcy in attendance and no data up? This is madness!

He wasn't TOing.

IG-88A + IG-2000 + Mangler Cannon + Lone Wolf + Fire-Control System + Hot Shot Blaster + Autothrusters

IG-88B + IG-2000 + Heavy Laser Cannon + Adrenaline Rush + Fire-Control System + Hot Shot Blaster + Autothrusters

Winning Spanish store champ list. Interestingly, never seen A and B flown before. beat Fat Chew and Dash, beat Whisper Soontir RGP among others.