2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

That is at a least 2 regionals with a refreshingly diverse top meta. Wasn't Omaha yesterday as well?

Edit: it was and they put the ranks up on Facebook. Names only, no lists. :(

Edited by TasteTheRainbow

This bunch of lists is awesome.

Looking forward to all of this weekend's events making their way to List Juggler . The top 8 in Martinsburgs was great.

That is at a least 2 regionals with a refreshingly diverse top meta. Wasn't Omaha yesterday as well?

Refreshing to some, full circle to others, haha :P

Yesterday was Madrid (Spain) regional with 110 players and the winer list 2 IG

Yesterday was Madrid (Spain) regional with 110 players and the winer list 2 IG

Flippin' flyin' Fett, that's a big event!

Yesterday was Madrid (Spain) regional with 110 players and the winer list 2 IG

Could you post the results up on Juggler?

Wow, 110 players. Was that with ffg's new software?

I like Paul's control squad. And that top 8 in W. Virginia is pretty crazy diverse.

I like Paul's control squad. And that top 8 in W. Virginia is pretty crazy diverse.

I just like that Biggs is relevant again! That's going to be a ton of fun going forward. Especially against Phantoms and Large turrets!

Biggs has never lost relevance.

I wouldn't go that far, I think that between the uber-Phantoms and Fat Han et al he was not the top-tier pick he used to be. Now with the new decloak rules, and an increased vulnerability in running a Large turret, I think Biggs becomes a very interesting and strategic centerpiece again. Not that I would imagine Paul has ever had much trouble running him, but the Tacticians and BTL-A4 are very different to his 2013 Worlds win using XXBB with Biggs.

I like Paul's control squad. And that top 8 in W. Virginia is pretty crazy diverse.

Didn't someone (Ira I think) win the 2015 Nova Open with that squad?

Here is one of the Semi-finals and the Final game of the Regional in Malmö, Sweden on the 26th of April.

After that, shooting at turtled Soontir was a mistake. I understand the reasoning, but even if he would've killed Soontir, he would've lost on MOV. Should've gone after Chiranau all game and only attack Soontir if he's vulnerable.

Edited by Sekac

If I've read correctly it's B&C Brobots vs Soontir, Jax and RG in the UK Milton Keynes event

So, what was top 8 in Martinsburg, and who won?

Aaron Guyer: (2BEZ)


2x Blue


Pretty happy to see this list. It is just a bit different from what I ran at Nationals last year. I'm not a bad list builder, I'm just ahead of my time!

I like it better with advS. have to drop the torp, but it's just there for phantoms anyways.

Someone won with 3 A-wings in their build. That's all i want to reiterate from reading this string of posts.

I won the Omaha regionals this weekend.

Eaden Vrill: HLC, anti-pursuit lasers, recon sepc

Chewbacca: C3PO, title, Luke Skywalker, Predator.

Not sure if anyone got a list of the other top player builds but 6 rebel and 2 scum were in top 8

I won the Omaha regionals this weekend.

Eaden Vrill: HLC, anti-pursuit lasers, recon sepc

Chewbacca: C3PO, title, Luke Skywalker, Predator.

Not sure if anyone got a list of the other top player builds but 6 rebel and 2 scum were in top 8


That's an awesome list. I love the fixed HLC on the 2400. So far there's some cool non-standard builds winning.

Edit: Oh, and congratulations.

Edited by Biophysical

Yea. I was hoping to get a good set of lists to be ready for from this weekend's regionals.

The lists are so diverse that I really can't, and that's actually much better.

Thanks guys. My chewie is fairly standard, Luke gets me the damage. But Eaden Vrill is my hammer. And with the stress punishment, I give the burdon to my opponent to not use things like ptl, k-turns and such around him.

Thanks guys. My chewie is fairly standard, Luke gets me the damage. But Eaden Vrill is my hammer. And with the stress punishment, I give the burdon to my opponent to not use things like ptl, k-turns and such around him.

As a meta call, it makes a lot of sense. I like it. Good job.

Early results seem to be that if you don't like turrets or the two ship meta it might be time to find a new game