2015 Regionals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

Do you know what tournament this is? Madrid winner was 88BC.

If it happened in 88 BC, you'll need an archaeologist to help you figure out which tournament it was.

(Thanks! I'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip the wait staff!)

Well, we're certainly not tipping the comedian... :P

Do you know what tournament this is? Madrid winner was 88BC.

If it happened in 88 BC, you'll need an archaeologist to help you figure out which tournament it was.

(Thanks! I'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip the wait staff!)

"Where did you dig up that old fossil?"

It actually happened

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away....

Edited by MajorJuggler

For those attending upcoming tournaments, double check your printed arcs on your base. I just checked my squad components and found one of my base arcs was offset to one side!

Does anyone know the build for the triple Interceptor list that won one of the UK regionals last weekend? Know it was Soontir, Jax and a Royal Guard, but don't know the loadout.

Pretty sure it was PtL/Stealth/Autothrusters for all 3 (99 points).

Which is awesome in a turret heavy meta, in others, not so much I find!

For those attending upcoming tournaments, double check your printed arcs on your base. I just checked my squad components and found one of my base arcs was offset to one side!

This isn't something that they actually check in tournaments is it? I thought you just played as it is. As long as the angle is the same, does it really matter that much if it is slightly offset? It may help on one side, but it hurts on the other.

What I did was assemble my squad components and readied them for play. When I was double checking them I noticed my one arc was offset by quite a bit on one base card. I pulled it and replaced it with one that was cut correctly.

In a game I would have had more of a blind spot on my left flank from that arc position.

What I did was assemble my squad components and readied them for play. When I was double checking them I noticed my one arc was offset by quite a bit on one base card. I pulled it and replaced it with one that was cut correctly.

In a game I would have had more of a blind spot on my left flank from that arc position.

Edited by Tsiegtiez

Since we still don't have most of the results in List Juggler yet, I updated post #2 with all the details that I have been able to find on the Top 8 squads for each tournament.

Your one-stop-shop for checking all the Elimination lists!

We have quite a few holes, if you can help fill in any TBD , or see any mistakes, then post here.

Week 1: April 25-26

Huddersfield, Kirklees, UK

April 25, 2015
IQ Games Centre
Attendance: 79

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=394

Comments: 27 / 79 lists were Fat Turrets. Of the 47 recorded non Fat Turret lists, only 1 made Top 8.

  • Winner: Oicunn + Predator + RebCap + Isaard + Gunner; Patrol Leader + Vader
  • 2nd place: Chewie + Predator + MF + C-3PO + R2-D2; Leebo + Lone Wolf + Mangler + RecSpec + Stealth
  • Top 4: Chewie + PtL + MFTitle + JanOrs + RecSpec; 2x Blue + FCS
  • Top 4: Kenkirk + Predator + RebCap + Isaard+MercCopilot; Boba Fett+LoneWolf+RecSpec
  • Top 8: IG-88B + PtL + HLC + AdvS + Autothrusters; IG88C + PtL + Mangler + AdvS + Autothrusters + InertDamp
  • Top 8: Han + PtL + C-3PO + Luke + MF + Engine; 3x Bandit
  • Top 8: Han + LoneWolf + C-3PO + Gunner + MF + Engine; 3x Tala
  • Top 8: TBD

Malmö, Skane, Sweden

April 26, 2015
IQ Games Centre
Attendance: 79

List Juggler: http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=387

  • Winner: Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Hull; Chiraneau + Predator + Isard + RebCap + Gunner + Engine
  • 2nd place: Biggs; Rookie + R3-A2; Blue + E2 + Tactician + FCS; 2x Bandit
  • Top 4: Keyan + SoT + AdvS; Chewie + Predator + MF + Gunner; Proto+Chaardan
  • Top 4: Chewie + Predator + Gunner + C-3PO + MF; Airen Cracken + VI; 2x Tala
  • Top 8: Kath + Predator + RecSpec; 4x Binayre + FeedbackArray
  • Top 8: Fel + PtL + RG + Autothrusters + Stealth; 5x Obsidian
  • Top 8: Corran + VI + R2-D2 + FCS; Dash + PtL + Kyle + HLC + Outrider + Engine
  • Top 8: Fel + PtL; OGP + Vader; Whisper + VI + Gunner + ACD + FCS

Week 2: May 2-3

Bellevue, NE, US

May 2, 2015
The Game Shoppe
Attendance: 50

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner (): Chewie + Predator + C-3PO + Luke + MF; Vrill + HLC + RecSpec + Anti-Pursuit Lasers
  • 2nd place (Aaron Bonnar): Guri + LoneWolf + Autothrusters + Virago + SensorJammer; Palob + Opportunist + Blaster Turret + Moldy Crow + Recon Specialist + Engine; Thug + BTL-A4 + ICT
  • Top 4: (Jim Blakely): Gold + ICT + BTL-A4 + R3A2 + Seismic; Gold + ICT + BTL-A4 + Seismic Charges; Gold + ICT + Seismic (no title); Gold + ICT (no title)
  • Top 4: Corran + PtL + Advanced Sensors + R2-D2 + EU; Chewbacca + VI + C-3P0 + MF + EU
  • Top 8: (Mike Russell): 4x Thug + ICT + BTL-A4 + R4 Agromechs
  • Top 8: Luke + VI + R5-P9 + Hull; Cracken + VI; Corran + VI + R2-D2 + FCS + Hull
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD
Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

May 2, 2015
Your Hobby Place
Attendance: 77

List J uggler: N/A

Comments: Final match winner had amazing luck for the final match, 1 : 247,000 odds.

Twitch: TBD

  • Winner: Dash+Predator+Chewie+HLC+Outrider; 3x Proto+Chaardan
  • 2nd place: Fel + PtL + RG Title + Autothrusters + Stealth; Whisper + VI + IntelAgent + FCS + ACD; Omicron + 2x IntelAgent
  • Top 4: Biggs; 2x Blue + E2 + Tactician; Gold+R3-A2+ICT+BTL-A4
  • Top 4: Howlrunner + SwarmTactics + Hull; Dark Curse; 5x Academy Pilot
  • Top 8: BBBBZ
  • Top 8: Corran + VI + R2-D2 + FCS + FTorp; 2x Blue; Bandit
  • Top 8: BXXZZZ
  • Top 8: IG-88B&C with PtL + AdvS + Mangler + AutoThrusters + IG-2000 + Seismic

Stirling, Scotland

May 2, 2015
Common Ground Games
Attendance: 42

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: Soontir Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth Device; Oicunn + Predator + Vader + Rebel Captive + Gunner + Dauntless + Proximity Mines EU
  • 2nd place: Dash Rendar + Outrider + HLC + PtL + Kyle + EU; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + lone wolf + gunner + c3po + MF; Corran Horn + PtL + EU + FCS + droid (not R2-D2)
  • Top 4: TBD
  • Top 8: Han Solo + Predator + Luke + C3PO + EU + MF; 2x Tala + homing missiles
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD

Cardiff, UK

May 2, 2015
Firestorm Games
Attendance: 62

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: Dash + HLC + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec; Chewie + Predator + MF
  • 2nd place: Firespray (52 points?); Defender (48 points?)
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Predator + Gunner + C-3P0 + MF; Jake + PtL + VI + Proton Rockets; Prototype + Refit
  • Top 4: ( upgrades unknown? ) Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + Jan Ors + MF; Leebo + Mangler + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + C-3P0 + Jan Ors + MF; Leebo + Mangler + Outrider + Predator + Recon Spec
  • Top 8: BBBBZ
  • Top 8: BXXZZZ
  • Top 8: RAC + Expose + EI + Mara Jade + Rebel Captive + Ysanne; Fel + PtL + Autothrusters + Stealth Device

Madrid, Spain

May 2, 2015
Rojo Cinco
Attendance: 110 (and another 67 on the wait list!)

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: IG88B&C + VI + Advanced Sensors + HLC + Inertial Dampeners + AT + title
  • 2nd place: RAC + Expose + Ysanne + Moff Jerjerrod + Rebel Captive + Experimental Interface + Dauntless; Fel + PtL + Stealth Device + Autothrusters
  • Top 4: 2x Blue + FCS; 2x Blue + FCS + Intel Agent
  • Top 4: BBBBZ
  • Top 8: RAC + VI + Rebel Captive + Ysanne + gunner + EU + Dauntless; Fel + PtL + AutoThrusters + Stealth Device
  • Top 8: Chewbacca + Predator + Jan Ors + Recon Specialist + EU; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2 + Shield Upgrade
  • Top 8: BBBBZ
  • Top 8: Han + VI + C-3P0 + EU + MF; Corran Horn + PtL + Advanced Sensors + R2-D2

Odense, Denmark

May 3, 2015
Dragon's Lair
Attendance: TBD

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: TBD
  • 2nd place: TBD
  • Top 4: TBD
  • Top 4: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD
  • Top 8: TBD

Milton Keynes, UK

May 3, 2015
Wargames Workshop
Attendance: 60

List Juggler: N/A

  • Winner: Soontir Fel + PtL + Stealth + Autothusters; Carnor Jax + PtL + Stealth + Autothusters; Royal guard + PtL + Stealth + Autothusters
  • 2nd place: IG88B + PtL + Advanced Sensors + HLC + autothrusters;
    IG88C + PtL + Advanced Sensors + Mangler Cannon + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners
  • Top 4: Dash + Predator + Recon Specialist + Outrider + HLC; Chewbacca + Predator + MF
  • Top 4: IG88 + PtL + Advanced Sensors + HLC + autothrusters, Inertial dampeners; 4 x Binayre pilots
  • Top 8: Garven + R2-D6 + VI; Dutch + autoblaster turret + BTL-A4 + R5-K6; Airen Cracken + swarm tactics + hull upgrade; Rookie
  • Top 8: Dash + Mangler Cannon + Outrider + PtL + Kyle Outrider Mangler; 2x Blue + FCS
  • Top 8: Dash + Mangler Cannon + Outrider + Lone Wolf + Recon Specialist + Anti-Pursuit Lasers; 2x Blue + FCS
  • Top 8: Dual-IG88 ( list unknown )

We also have some more Regionals this weekend to keep an eye out for:

Week 3: May 9-10

St. Petersburg, FL, US

May 9, 2015
Critical Hit Games

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

May 9, 2015

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

May 9, 2015
401 Games

Itzehoe, Germany

May 9-10, 2015
Holstein Center

Tulsa, OK, US

May 9, 2015
The Covenant Store

More variety than normal, but still a lot of same old same old. I'm getting sick of Soontir Fel pretty fast.

What is that comment about luck in the WV finals about?

Barcelona regional will be hosted this saturday, with 80 players.

I'll be there,will report back any cool lists I see around

I'm surprised so many Dash and Chewie builds are making the Top 8.

I dunno. Feels somehow wrong to point out the math behind his dice rolls. He made it to the finals. He won.

We'll never know if he would have won or lost with different die rolls, all we know is he won this time. Going any further feels like devaluing his accomplishment.

Hmm there's officially no Imperials in the top 10 squads of the last 90 days on my site for the first time after updating with some of the missing regional info... dark times for the Empire. (Really it just means that the Empire has less cookie cutter squads but overall I do think they're winning less).

Edit: Made this page real quick: http://xwing.macker.co/factions.php

Appears Rebels are getting points for placing at about the same rate as Imps and S&V combined.

Edited by stmack

What is that comment about luck in the WV finals about?

I dunno. Feels somehow wrong to point out the math behind his dice rolls. He made it to the finals. He won.

We'll never know if he would have won or lost with different die rolls, all we know is he won this time. Going any further feels like devaluing his accomplishment.

I am including any noteworthy comments for each tournament. Tyler had terrific odds for the final game, the chances of him rolling that well were about one in a quarter million. We likely won't see anyone else get rolls that good for any one game in the entire Regionals season let alone in a Finals match, so it is noteworthy. We had it recorded on Twitch so I could calculate the probability.

Edited by MajorJuggler

More variety than normal, but still a lot of same old same old. I'm getting sick of Soontir Fel pretty fast.

People need to bring more Decimators with Vader to knock out those Soontirs early!

I'm surprised so many Dash and Chewie builds are making the Top 8.

I have some stats that I have compiled. I will post here when I have updated the first page with them.

Summary: 2/3 of the lists have at least 1 Fat Ship, and 1/2 the lists are turret heavy.

That's surprising to me. Even if Vader(ATC) helps drop the number of fat ships he'll be flying next to one. I thought autothrusters would cause a bigger drop.

Just a quick question, what are the prizes for regional? I know that everyone gets a Boba Fett card for showing up but what do the top 8 get? Winner?

That's surprising to me. Even if Vader(ATC) helps drop the number of fat ships he'll be flying next to one. I thought autothrusters would cause a bigger drop.

Gunner, Vader, and HLC-Outriders probably help mitigate Autothruster advantage.

Just a quick question, what are the prizes for regional? I know that everyone gets a Boba Fett card for showing up but what do the top 8 get? Winner?

There's a wiki page for that: http://xwing-miniatures.wikia.com/wiki/Tournament_Kits