Fumbling on a Magic Shield

By Dalerik, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

alright guys, i really need your help.

in my campaign, mere seconds ago. i fumbled on casting a shield on myself and my character was left in bleed out. he may very well die in the next turn.

i could have sworn there was a a rule about fumbling when casting a shield where it said i still cast the shield, but there was some problem. i can't find it. I'm desperate to find it.

my GM said since i cannot find it, the spell just fails. but i could swear there was a rule, if I'm wrong then oh well. but if one of you guys can find this ruling it would have a chance to save my character.

if theres anything i would love to know, if not then its all good.

The GM is right any fumbled spell is lost though the severity of the fumble could cause more problems.

There is a Meta in the Arcane Exxet that one can get to ensure shields are still cast even when one fumbles, "Secure Defense" pg.97 of the Arcane Exxet in the Arcane Esoterica section.

thank you very much, that was the thing i was looking for. so yeah i was incorrect, but i did know i read that somewhere.

good news is i lived, so no consolation. thank you

Edited by Dalerik

no prob