Morton's List

By Trothael, in Odds & Ends

Alright good sirs, let's play a game. Let's play a game that intended to kill boredom.

I invite all of you to the games table to try your hand at Morton's List.

The premises are simple, there are 13 tables, each with 13 quests. These 390 quests are all something interesting that you wouldn't find yourself doing in a 'normal' schedule. For example, last time I was issued a quest through Morton's List, I had to go spend a couple of hours at any place that was open for 24/7, so I headed down to a local hospital and chatted with people in the waiting room, I got into some good conversation and learned a few things I never knew. The person before me had to acquire as many items (permanently or temporarily) as they possibly could in 48 hours and he ended up with a new girlfriend.

Your quest could be anything and if executed properly, so could the result.

I'm willing to roll up a quest for anybody at all, as many times as necessary.

The only rules are: You have 48 hours to complete your quest upon accepting it, and once you have completed it I expect a quick report on how you completed your quest. You can only have 1 active quest at any one time (Unless your quest is multiple quests).

So, wanna roll?

Ok, this I could try out. I could always use an excuse to go someplace, 'n usually when I do, funny things happen.

I'll bite, mate.

Me too. I've been suffering an aweful case of boredom lately.

I'm ready for it. If the timer runs out, do we get erased?

Aha, unforutnately The Reaper's Game isn't real, WeirdUsername :P But you can imagine I'm Kariya if you like.

I just woke up, so I'll be rolling quests a little bit later, after I've done the more important things for the day.

I'd also like to note that I'll be using The Crystal List.

I am incredibly apprehensive about this....but sure...why not?

Fix'd title. Only just noticed that >.>

Also, my copy of Morton's List is currently with my local gaming group...I won't get it back for another week or so. So instead of the Crystal List, I'll be giving you all a taste of the full list using Morton's Lite: 13%.

Less content, equally enjoyable.

Quests to be rolled shortly.

First quest has been rolled!

Choitz, you were first in on the action. Does that represent greed or bravery? Let's see what Karmic balance has to say:

Your quest was rolled on The Hand Picked Table, the result was: 28 - Trash Jackals

Your manipulation was rolled on Morton's Manipulations, the result was: 5 - Critical Acclaim


Your quest roll was: 6 - Board Games

Your manipulation was: 2 - Symbiotes


Your quest roll was: 22 - Naked Beauty

Your manipulation was: 12 - Table Lieutennant


Your quest roll was: 29 - Paranormal Activity

Your manipulation was: 8 - Super Fusion

Now, I'll explain specifically what each quest is around midnight. If you can't wait that long then feel free to download the Morton's Lite: 13% PDF document which will detail your quests and manipulations.

Remember, if your quest is impossible then you do have the right to re-roll it. You may also re-roll it if it goes against your moral code; whilst playing Morton's List, you should never try to do anything that would break the law, or your own moral code.

Upon accepting your quest, you have 48 hours to fulfil it and return here to make your report.

I got such low numbers...

Trash Jackals? Naked Beauty? Paranormal Activity?! What the frick?! Why do I get "board games". Geez, I'mma have to funnify this

I've explained Choitz 's quest to him. He'll be getting back to us on his results later on.

Devilmonkey , your quest was Board Games. Grab yourself a partner and play ANY game that requires low strategy and has a flat board. Here's an idea: Why not grab two favourite board games and combine them? Monopoly & Dungeon are recommended. Make up some rules if you want.

And your manipulation was "Symbiote". Symbiote goes very well with Board Games. Pick yourself a buddy and they have to stick with you until your quest is complete.

WeirdUsername , Naked Beauty is all about artwork and glorifying the human body. The human body is used everywhere as a means of attracting attention and as art, from gaudy cigarette cartons to renaissance paintings and even soft-core pornographic-romance novels.

Your quest is to go out into the world and do something or make something that either shows off the human body in all it's nude glory.

Your manipulation was a rather unfortunate Table Lieutennant. Whereas I, the table master, should be encouraging you to do your quest, I now have to order you to do it, and give out orders rather than help you in whatever way I can.

Mr. Dawn , looks like it's time for some paranormal activity *Cue the x-files theme*. This one's simple enough.

Go out into the world and investigate strange happenings, otherworldy interventions, demonic incursions, ANYTHING paranormal. Maybe you could try a ouiji board to cast someone's fortune, perhaps you could invoke an ancient mirror rite. Who knows?

Superfusion is an odd manipulation, in that it replaces a manipulation for your quest with another quest . I'm now going to roll your second quest, and combine it with your first quest to create a hybrid quest. The result is: 29 - Paranormal Activity. Aha, it looks like karma is pulling your chain. You may either accept this roll and act out your quest, except now you'll have to investigate into at least two different paranormal activities, or I can re-roll it, though I shouldn't do that.

Alrighty then, if you're happy with your quests, post in this thread so we can record when your quest officially begins and you'll have 48 hours to complete it. If it goes against your moral code or the law, I'll be happy to re-roll it for you.

I'm fine with it....I is a bit anti-my religion, but it should be all good.

So what happens if we can't complete it btw? I was lost on that part.


You just fail your quest. Bad karma perhaps?

so my quest is basicly to play a board game with someone?

Well, here's my quest update ('n for those not knowin what it was, the long 'n short of it was I had to root through garbage to find a discarded item of such that I found worth in, while insultin/compimentin 6 people in the process):

To start things off, I obviously began the dumpster dives. Needless to say, after two dumpsters 'n nothin of interests (though, I found a discarded dollar I kept), I decided the casual stroll around the block. I ended up findin a bike someone threw out 'n a couple workbench items (electric drill without drill bits 'n a hammer) that I could eventually fix up 'n use (looks like the drill might actually be junk, but there might be a loose wire inside it. Hammer seems ok, but handle is slightly broken).

Now came the trickster part: Insult/compliment 6 people while doin this. I wasn't quite certain as if it had to be durin the actual process of rootin through the garbage ('n if so, then I fail'd), or if it was my 'had to do while actin out the mission altogether' part (if so, I succeed!). 2 insults were directed to a pair of ladies who (ironicly) insulted me first for my 'dirty deed' (mind you, I also wanted to punt their lil yapper dog...). 'N the remainin 4 were compliments directed to various children who were askin me why I wasn't 'ridin my bike' as I pass'd them by (obviously on my way to the next trash can I could find).

So, Mr. Truffles, sir, I leave the final verdict within your grasp. Have I pass'd or did I fail? All in all, I'm one bike ahead (perfect for salvagin parts from), 'n a drill 'n hammer that need a lil TLC. Oh, 'n I hate yapper dogs even more now.

Congratulations, Mr. Choitz. Enjoy your positive karma points.

Your quest was 'passed', and you got yourself a new bike.

So...I completely failed...I honestly couldn't think of anything "paranormal" to investigate. The Oujia board idea crossed my mind...but that's a bit much, I've heard of some bad things happening with those things and I wasn't about to get mixed up in all that...real or not...

I also thought of taking a tour of The Hannah House, which is apparently the most haunted place in Indiana...but they were closed the day I went....

so bring on the Bad Karma I suppose T_T

WayToTheDawn said:

So...I completely failed...I honestly couldn't think of anything "paranormal" to investigate. The Oujia board idea crossed my mind...but that's a bit much, I've heard of some bad things happening with those things and I wasn't about to get mixed up in all that...real or not...

I also thought of taking a tour of The Hannah House, which is apparently the most haunted place in Indiana...but they were closed the day I went....

so bring on the Bad Karma I suppose T_T

D'aww. Negative karma D:

well, I completed my quest. some interesting circumstance made it a little easier to make this interesting for me.

At first I was bummed out over my quest. Then I found something out. This past weekend was "Official Garage Sale Day" around here, so there were a HEAP of sales going on. So I grabbed my girlfriend (my symbiote) and made the mission of finding any and all board games we could get our hands on. Surprisingly, over the 56 garage sales we went through (yes, I counted) we only found 4 board games...well technically more but we were not about to shell out mad cash for those fancy chess boards.

But during those garage sales, we talked to A LOT of people. I also came across a kid that apparently collected Kingdom Hearts cards a year or so ago, because he had most of the 1st set & some A Darkness Awakened for sale. When I tried talking to him about the game he said something like "I didn't know anyone that played, and I really only got them because I loved Kingdom Hearts" Gotta say, it was hard to find board games tho, cuz it was raining/drizzling the entire weekend.

So when we got home and looked at our stuff, we had Mousetrap (with missing pieces), Checkers (with missing pieces), Trouble (surprisingly, no pieces were missing) and Blokus (we think pieces were missing?) At first I was trying to make some combination of Mousetrap, Trouble and Blokus (GF refused to play Checkers for inside joke reasons) but that didn't work out too well. So we just played Blokus since it was the only game with enough pieces, and was the best 2 player game.

It was interesting, I guess. But in the end, the persuit was funner then the actual quest itself. I'M READY FOR THE NEXT ONE

Positive karma!

I'll be rolling new quests again soon for anybody who's interested.

Roll me another, mate! I rather had a lot of fun on my adventure.


Yes, yes, a double post. But I really wanna have another go at the Morton's List again.. kinda been cravin a bit of adventure lately.

Trothael, mate, would you be able to roll me another quest?

Indeed, very soon. I meant to roll quests earlier this week, but I've been rather busy >.>

'Kay. I'm ready to roll for quests again.


Ooh! Ooh! Pick me, pick me!

I've been set 'n ready to go, mate!

Choitz said:

Ooh! Ooh! Pick me, pick me!

I've been set 'n ready to go, mate!

That's the first volunteer then ;] Once we've got at least 3 people we'll roll again.