New Idea for Slaanesh dial advancement (keeping the 1+ card text)

By Reigns, in Chaos in the Old World

I've played this game several times at gencon, and a few times at home
(some single player) and I have read the latest attempts to fix slaanesh's
quick dial wins, and I have come up with an idea on keeping the dial adv as
printed on the slaanesh card, while making the game less of a "everyone crap
on slaanesh so he can't win" game.

I think that if you changed Heroes and Nobles to Defense: 1 Old world tokens
that when defeated ARE NOT removed from the game, but the attacker is allowed
to move the token to an adjacent region
If you think of it, you could target them with your warriors in order to shift
them out of the region before corruption phase, negating slaanesh' condition,
but also leaving your warriors out there for slaanesh' figures to possibly kill.

Slaanesh wins more battles by using nobles/heroes as shields. Nobles/Heroes are
now movable so you can try to eliminate the heroes end of turn assasinate, and
dial advancement is still an issue (just lesser than before). I believe Slaanesh
dial advancement is key to his wins, and maybe we will see more Slaanesh VP
wins instead.

Oh and by the way, LEAVE KhORNE ALONE!!! I love the idea of a god that has an
easier war-type win. It works for new people coming into the game, plus I have
alot of fun kicking khornes butt with a more-subtle god.

I'm pretty sure that you cannot attack noble and heros, I could be wrong but by reading the rules looks like only peasants can be attacked and defeated.

Let me know what do you think,


I psoted the same on BGG. You can't attack Nobles and Heroes. So I wasn't sure if this was part of your variant or if you are playing something wrong.

wow, im not sure what "new idea" was confusing for people but let me just say:



let the heroes and nobles be attacked but only chased off.

Sounds to me like that'd swing it too far the other way, personally. But interesting idea.

I'm not listing a "variant" that I play.

I feel (as others do) that Slaanesh wins dial victorys to easily with the 1+ corruption dial advancment, but is too styfled when upped to 2+ corruption dial advancement.

What I introduced was a possible fix to this, somewhere in between what is
printed on the cards, and what is being suggested by others (upping the advancment condition).

Yes, I know that nobles and heroes are not ever attacked (by the rules), but how about they modify that instead of modifying Slaanesh dial advancement.
Allow the heroes/nobles to be attacked but only driven off, not killed.

WHY NOT JUST HIT SLAANESH DIRECTLY? try playing as nurgle, and defending against slaanesh dial advancement and vp denial. Nurgle has a dial 2x long, with lots of crap slots like "add 1 corruption" or "add 3 VP" while slaanesh advances to upgrade fast, usually upgrading his cultists to a 2 defense.

Khorne has the best HIT SLAANESH DIRECTLY ability but he's not always playing if 3 player game and sometimes he's not nearby slaanesh. choice between spreading out figures to get to slaanesh and stop him, or spread out in neighboring regions and advance his own dial usally goes to the dial.

btw, Brian I'm interested in which dial advancement you use for slaanesh, +1 or +2 and how often your games end in dial advancement wins.

anyways, just my idea. but don't try it out. no don't!! STOP!!!! STOP TRYING IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!