Bringing back Evil's turn 2 kills =)

By MarcoPulleaux, in UFS Deck Building

So, my friends and I have this huge inside joke about Bryan Fury. You see, in Tekken 3-5 DR, he had this extremely maniacal laughter (it should've been Bryan's asset, not Kazuya's foundation) that was very bold and intimidating. But in Tekken 6, for some reason, his laughter was replaced by a very...almost childish sounding laughter, causing him to go from respected psychopathic android, to basically a kid in our eyes lol.

So needless to say, when I found out one of the first characters we'd be getting was Bryan. AND he was literally designed the same way I designed my fan-made Bryan? Had to make him at some point.

So I figured we have enough Earth/Fire aggro chars. Let's bring back Evil and its turn 2 potential its always had =).

Bryan Fury* - Insanity

Assets: 4

2x Devil Gene 3/5 +2-HIGH [unique]
2x Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants 2/5 +3-HIGH [Terrain]

Attacks: 17

3x Dark Geo da Rey 5/3 +2-MID [Multiple: 1] [Ranged]
3x Shadow Flare 5/2 +3-MID
4x Leg Slash 4/3 +2-HIGH [breaker: 2]
3x Upper Claw 4/2 +1-MID
4x Lion Slayer 4/2 +1-HIGH

Foundations: 40

4x Need to Destroy 3/5 +2-LOW
4x All Life is Prey 2/5 +3-LOW
4x Dread Pirate 2/5 +3-HIGH
4x Intimidating Presence 2/5
4x G-Corp Leader 2/5
4x Vengeance 2/5
4x Beyond Humanity 2/5
4x Chasing After the Power 2/5
4x No Longer Controllable 2/5
4x Treacherous Offspring 1/5

Mechanical Madness - Turn 2 potential
Bryan Fury's 2nd E - Attacks - Kunpaetku Shrine - No Longer Controllable - All Life is Prey

Turn 1 build, turn 2 kill. With Bryan Fury's E applying to every one of my attacks, I can self-pump any attack to take out half the life of 7 handers, and about a 3rd of most 6 handers assuming the attack goes unblocked of course. The VIP of the deck is Lion Slayer. 4 diff for a given 12 damage in Bryan turn 2 really scares the Hell out of people, especially since I could theoretically toss 3 of them in 1 turn fully pumped. With each foundation I destroy (Bryan's E = lawl), All Life is Prey eats faces.

The Perpetual Generator - Combos and Tricks
Need to Destroy - G-Corp Leader

The two cards are some techy wackoness in the deck. Need to Destroy fulfills many purposes. A. Gives Dark Geo various extra Multiple keywords, B. Reduces opponent's keywords, C. Combos with Bryan's E, which in turn leads to D. Combos with G-Corp Leader for an on-going dummy Bryan can beat up on, especially since it leaves me with a blank card Bryan can eat as well. Need to Destroy is made for Bryan, period. G-Corp Leader is simply one of the most flexible cards we have in the game right now. Vengeance, Intimidating Presence, Need to Destroy, Maniacal Laughter, Bryan's E, No Longer Controllable, the list is just huge, and in this deck, I use all of those cards.

Awesome, there needs to be more evil decks posted. With 2 checks. I wish more of Kazuya's support had evil. I salute you sir, and your testicular fortitude.

Meh, screw 3 checks. Upper Claw has already proven its worth in my book, but holy crap, have you even used Lion Slayer? Dude, 4 difficulty FUNCTIONS AS A KILL?! Sign me up!

Also, Shadow Flare is simply too good. Let's compare it to Launcher for argument's sake:

-Playable ANY time
-+1 more speed, same zone
-Same damage
-Has a block (meaning -1 to their checks if you actually block with it)
-Can give your opponent -1 to checks while it doesn't affect you (assuming it deals damage, of course)
-The -1 stacks per copy.

So yeah, friggin awesome.

Very few evil/fire decks i am seeing are running hungry for battle. I still feel the lack of a block is not enough of a penalty to warrant cutting it. thoughts?

Because people are realizing it's kind of a convoluted card. If you check a 5 (statistically, you will), you're only getting +1 damage, which is great since it might as well have been free, but I mean, that's it. It's a 2/4 no block that generally nets you anywhere from 1 to 3 damage, with 2 being a big exception since most people are still afraid to run 2s. While I realize it might seem nice in here since I check 2s, giving attacks +4 damage, it's not worth tapping 2, even if that kinda simulates Stand Off.

It's a good card, it has its place in certain decks, but not mine I'm afraid. Bryan likes quicker kills than Hungry.

very nasty I likes

MarcoPulleaux said:

It's a good card, it has its place in certain decks, but not mine I'm afraid. Bryan likes quicker kills than Hungry.

Free damage is better than no damage considering All Life is Prey has you commit a foundation.

Lol, THIS deck

Hungry for is wrong with me for not acknowleding it? Bah...

it's 4:40 AM, and I have work tomorrow morn, so I'll try finding room for Hungry...