Maybe it's jut me ...

By hdbgdz, in Android

Maybe it's just me, but if I was investigating the murder and it was a strangling. I would just cut out the middle man and arrest Vinnie the Strangler because it's probably him.

Call it a hunch? ;)

hdbgdz said:

Maybe it's just me, but if I was investigating the murder and it was a strangling. I would just cut out the middle man and arrest Vinnie the Strangler because it's probably him.

Vinnie the Strangler always gets blamed for those times when a flying car without enough sproing to get to Memories of Green stops off at a rooftop, takes off again, accidentally blows a guy tending his rooftop garden plot off the roof, twelve stories down to some clotheslines where he gets caught by the neck, chokes to death, and the clothesline sproings him into a sector where Vinnie has been spotted.

Yeah, it happens more times than Mark Henry can count (which is to say, five or six times. Higher than that, he tends to say "Severed" and gets confused.)

hdbgdz said:

Maybe it's just me, but if I was investigating the murder and it was a strangling. I would just cut out the middle man and arrest Vinnie the Strangler because it's probably him.

Lol, that's great!

hdbgdz said:

Maybe it's just me, but if I was investigating the murder and it was a strangling. I would just cut out the middle man and arrest Vinnie the Strangler because it's probably him.

Well if I was trying to frame someone that would be my murder of choise. Bye Bye Vinnie.