Stockist in Australia

By waywardaj, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)


I just got Battlestar Galactica and am very interested in some of Fantasy Flight's other games, particularly the Game of Thrones boardgame as I am a huge fan of George RR Martin's series.

However, I'm having trouble finding a copy in Australia. Can anyone suggest a store that is likely to stock it?


I guess it depends on where you are in Australia, I would suggest for sydney tring the tin soldier, they stock some ffg products, and even if they dont have it, they may be able to get it in for you.

Try that for anything you need,a nd email them if you can't find it =]


Cheers Shak,

looks like they have it available.

I just got a copy as part of the Boardgamegeek secret santa. It came from I'm pretty sure Milsims will have it in stock as well.