Functional Errata for Financial Distress

By AirCody, in UFS General Discussion

Homme Chapeau said:

That's a given.

What I'm more curious about is whether or not future instances of this wording will be clarified for newer players or non-forumites. Or will there be a clarification in an upcoming ruling document/Omni-FAQ?

Stand-Off is already ruled in the Omni-Faq.

Further status of upcoming updates to the Omni-Faq documented HERE

The entire costs piece is already annoted / documented for the AGR revision, (I'm trying to ensure that everything in the next AGR revision is covered as much as possible so I don't have to do another update until the next base set is released.) originally I was targeting it to be out this week (I think this is the official week that Tekken becomes legal), however real life has gotten in the way, so I don't have anything close to an actual ETA when the document will be going to print.

Antigoth said:

The entire costs piece is already annoted / documented for the AGR revision, (I'm trying to ensure that everything in the next AGR revision is covered as much as possible so I don't have to do another update until the next base set is released.) originally I was targeting it to be out this week (I think this is the official week that Tekken becomes legal), however real life has gotten in the way, so I don't have anything close to an actual ETA when the document will be going to print.

'tis good 'tis good. I just wanted a heads up. As soon as it's out I'll be directing our people to the way of that document. It should definitely help out. Thank you much.

So I played a buncha games yesterday with these cards inserted into my Fire Jin deck. The deck specalizes in playing a lot of cards because of Jin. So one would assume that drawing more cards for him would be a good fit. In every game i got one or more of these out, the following happened:

  • Committed it for Standoff
  • Used it and my opponent pitched a card without a block
  • Lost because it was not a damage pump or a damage reducer.

This card did not sell me on it powerlevel at all. As a matter of fact I'm probably going to drop it for a different foundation, such as Nursing a Grudge, which can at least gaurentee ill get one card i need instead of 2 I dont, and that my opponent cant cancel it.

Protoaddict said:

This card did not sell me on it powerlevel at all. As a matter of fact I'm probably going to drop it for a different foundation, such as Nursing a Grudge, which can at least gaurentee ill get one card i need instead of 2 I dont, and that my opponent cant cancel it.

I personally prefer "From the Mouse : Humility" but yeah Nursing a Grudge is also quite good for what it does. There's a reason I run both in my Ragnar deck.

Protoaddict said:

So I played a buncha games yesterday with these cards inserted into my Fire Jin deck. The deck specalizes in playing a lot of cards because of Jin. So one would assume that drawing more cards for him would be a good fit. In every game i got one or more of these out, the following happened:

  • Committed it for Standoff
  • Used it and my opponent pitched a card without a block
  • Lost because it was not a damage pump or a damage reducer.

This card did not sell me on it powerlevel at all. As a matter of fact I'm probably going to drop it for a different foundation, such as Nursing a Grudge, which can at least gaurentee ill get one card i need instead of 2 I dont, and that my opponent cant cancel it.

Funny... the Jin deck that won our event today was running off of death. You'd think that because FD was so powerful, that it would be run off of fire.

Instead he was using the Miasma (sp?) Family Bloodline to draw. Funny - I haven't heard anyone complain about that card yet.

Antigoth said:

Instead he was using the Miasma (sp?) Family Bloodline to draw. Funny - I haven't heard anyone complain about that card yet.

Shhhh. Keep that on the hush, man. Seriously though, it's not complained about yet, because outside of stackable characters, such a situation doesn't occur as often. I like it though.

Antigoth said:

Instead he was using the Miasma (sp?) Family Bloodline to draw. Funny - I haven't heard anyone complain about that card yet.

While we're on that subject...

Mishima Family Bloodline, play a character as a block. What happens : Static before R or R before Static?

Static always resolves first, but you can still use the R, as it was still played.

-Mr. Tinman

yeah but people would actually have to start running character blocks to abuse that in something else besides jin or kazuya

Astrid off All? It's got possibilities. :)

dshaffer said:

Astrid off All? It's got possibilities. :)


MarcoPulleaux said:


I would reply to him saying "yes" and see how many times of doing that it gets to until someone loses patience and says more than one word. lol

Back on topic, I still think it's weird that anti-discard doesn't work, but I suppose I can deal with it.

dshaffer said:

MarcoPulleaux said:


Way to promote the spirit of dialogue there, Champ.


-In Tekken, Astrid gets very little. No weapons, few foundations here n' there, meh.
-Ivy gives her Genius Alchemist and Researching the Past, n' that's really bout it. Algol gives her...uh...hmm...stuff?



or you know, you can use IVY'S cards which all have all. Last time i checked they were pretty decent with her.

Also Determined is great with her after you have committed stuff to draw.

Paying Respect to Your Ancestors could be a card advantage engine if you want to go that route

Queens champion comps with Razors nicely

Reavers axe if you go all weapon

All has stuff. It can only go up hill.

dshaffer said:

MarcoPulleaux said:


Way to promote the spirit of dialogue there, Champ.

I think polio's slowly learning that his opinion posts about pointless things have Dut counter-troll him, so this must be a "single word won't get me counter trolled by dut" type thing.

back to the topic of astrid off of something other than fire (which gives her the most weapons right now) both order and all have the same number of weapons (outside of astrid support) 3 weapon attacks from ivy and 3 weapon attacks from Hilde. for support from tekken since there are no weapon cards you need to look at actions/assets/foundations, paul gives both order and all the same cards, of the 9 cards at the back of tekken give 3 potentially useful cards (hunt for jin/recon/killer android) none for order, all has a couple of christie's cards (graceful style/brazilian beauty) mishima family blood line for all (stacking promo astrids by blocking with that useful 6cc +0m card) order gets cold and indifferent. so all does have the slightly better build options than order right now, but fire is far beyond either all or order.