Fab's fleet generator => News & updates

By fab74, in Star Wars: Armada

Hi Fab, you can put my vote down also for "leave as is" for not doubling modifications.

The only other thing I'd request is that when you hit the duplicate button for a ship with uniques, that rather than making it illegal, can it duplicate all non-unique items? Maybe I'm just crazy though :P

BTW, thank you again!

I will have a look to that.

Just noticing that I can't pull up the Damage Control Officer for Rebel fleets, even in free mode. I have 2 light cruisers in my expansions, and it shows up for Imperial fleets. Looking at the card online (I don't have it in front of me), nothing I can see restricts it to Imperial only.

Edited by emsgoof


Also note that the MC80 Liberty expansions is missing the Engine Techs upgrade and in the selection of objectives, it never shows the Solar Corona objective.

Beyond that, excellent work, I love the site and building fleets there :)

7 hours ago, emsgoof said:

Just noticing that I can't pull up the Damage Control Officer for Rebel fleets, even in free mode. I have 2 light cruisers in my expansions, and it shows up for Imperial fleets. Looking at the card online (I don't have it in front of me), nothing I can see restricts it to Imperial only.

Hi, you are right, I will fix that over the week.

6 hours ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:


Also note that the MC80 Liberty expansions is missing the Engine Techs upgrade and in the selection of objectives, it never shows the Solar Corona objective.

Beyond that, excellent work, I love the site and building fleets there :)

Yes, it is missing, I will add it this weekend. Regarding the objective, I think you have a cookie issue, so click once on the reset button a retry to build.

1 hour ago, fab74 said:

Yes, it is missing, I will add it this weekend. Regarding the objective, I think you have a cookie issue, so click once on the reset button a retry to build.


Thanks for your answer, also the Victory expansion is missing a Defense Liaison.

Regarding the Objectives issue, it's not that it doesn't show me the text, the thing is that when selecting the objectives for the fleet, it shows the names of all to select except Solar Corona, and this happens to me for every fleet I build, I don't have the chance to select it (neither I want to, but just looks strange to see options for only 7 of the 8 navigational objectoves :P)

Thanks again

Edited by Lemmiwinks86


- Damage Control Officer is fixed and can be assigned to rebel fleet.

- Engine Techs upgrade had been added to Liberty expansion.


Regarding "Solar Corona" objective, I don't see any issue on my side. Could you click on the "Refine" link in the Corellian Conflict expansion selection box and the number on front of "Solar Corona". I really assume it is cookie issue and you 0 in front of this objective.

You can also try to check the "FREE" check box to see if you can buil manually and add this objective.

Don't hesitate to PM me in order to solve this issue. Will be great also if other users can report something on that point. Some ad blocks may interfer with the builder...

5 hours ago, fab74 said:


- Damage Control Officer is fixed and can be assigned to rebel fleet.

- Engine Techs upgrade had been added to Liberty expansion.


Regarding "Solar Corona" objective, I don't see any issue on my side. Could you click on the "Refine" link in the Corellian Conflict expansion selection box and the number on front of "Solar Corona". I really assume it is cookie issue and you 0 in front of this objective.

You can also try to check the "FREE" check box to see if you can buil manually and add this objective.

Don't hesitate to PM me in order to solve this issue. Will be great also if other users can report something on that point. Some ad blocks may interfer with the builder...

You were right, I clicked on the "Refine" link and it was set to 0. Sorry I hadn't see that option before, it's really cool.

Thanks again for your help and your great work with the site :)

1) I would like to request that the fleet point size could go over 999. I sometimes like to build a 1200 point fleet.

2) I would like to request that the fleet could be generated in a text only list option as well (for copy/paste) when discussing list building.

3) I would like to request a “Maximum Stuff” tab. This tab would put all items at quantity 9. I don’t own that much, but when noodling around, building for a tourney, etc. I would beg, borrow, and buy what I need to make that list.

2 minutes ago, Typo said:

3) I would like to request a “Maximum Stuff” tab. This tab would put all items at quantity 9. I don’t own that much, but when noodling around, building for a tourney, etc. I would beg, borrow, and buy what I need to make that list.

Click "Free", found next to the "Manual" button, it eliminates any restrictions on the number of cards and ships you have.

3 hours ago, Typo said:

2) I would like to request that the fleet could be generated in a text only list option as well (for copy/paste) when discussing list building.

After cliking on the "share" link on the building page you can get the build in text format.

Here is an example:

REBEL FLEET (361 points)

1 • Objectives - Advanced Gunnery - Fleet Ambush - Superior Positions (0)
2 • Nebulon-B Support Refit - Garm Bel Iblis - Leia Organa - Nav Team - H9 Turbolasers - Yavaris (96)
3 • B-wing Squadron (14)
4 • ''Dutch'' Vander Y-wing Squadron (16)
5 • Tycho Celchu A-wing Squadron (16)
6 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Intel Officer - Engine Techs - Advanced Projectors - XX-9 Turbolasers - Jaina's Light (72)
7 • Y-wing Squadron (10)
8 • Keyan Farlander B-wing Squadron (20)
9 • CR90 Corellian Corvette B - Veteran Captain - Nav Team - Electronic Countermeasures - Overload Pulse - Dodonna's Pride (67)
10 • X-wing Squadron (13)
11 • X-wing Squadron (13)
12 • X-wing Squadron (13)
13 • A-wing Squadron (11)

Edited by fab74

Thanks guys, for pointing out features that are already built in! That helps a lot.

Now for the 1200 point fleets.......


the new cards from "Up Close and Personal" preview (an a little bit more) had been added to Fab's fleet generator => http://armada.fabpsb.net/gindex.php

It was a little bit long but I waited for the ship cards, as they didn't come fast enough, I finally deliver the cards.

Awesome to see new stuff going in, as always :D

Just reporting an oddity (don't know if its me), but I keep getting an issue - even after clearing my cache and a reinstall of Chrome - that the Rebel-II Fighter pack when you select it, defaults to '0' Z-95s (just 1 Lt. Blount)... And constantly resets that way, too...

Could be my computer going funny shenanigans (I don't have any other way to test it), but thought n FYI might help regardless :D

1 hour ago, Drasnighta said:

Awesome to see new stuff going in, as always :D

Just reporting an oddity (don't know if its me), but I keep getting an issue - even after clearing my cache and a reinstall of Chrome - that the Rebel-II Fighter pack when you select it, defaults to '0' Z-95s (just 1 Lt. Blount)... And constantly resets that way, too...

Could be my computer going funny shenanigans (I don't have any other way to test it), but thought n FYI might help regardless :D

Hi Drasnighta,

I am not sure to undertsand the issue, do you mean that when you select 0 Z95, you expect to have the number in front of Lt Blount to be also 0 ?

Just now, fab74 said:

Hi Drasnighta,

I am not sure to undertsand the issue, do you mean that when you select 0 Z95, you expect to have the number in front of Lt Blount to be also 0 ?

I set 2 packs of rebel II, and even after refreshing, clearing cache, and manually setting Z95s to 4, it wants to default them back to 0, so only Blount is available.

Screenie attached.

It may be my caching - my computer does have issues - but the fact that I'm clearing it and it keeps coming back raises my own concerns - but don't be surprised if this is a PEBKAC situation if you check it and find nothing wrong :D


2 hours ago, fab74 said:


the new cards from "Up Close and Personal" preview (an a little bit more) had been added to Fab's fleet generator => http://armada.fabpsb.net/gindex.php

It was a little bit long but I waited for the ship cards, as they didn't come fast enough, I finally deliver the cards.

And just in time for the Vassal Summer Tourney :)

1 hour ago, Drasnighta said:

I set 2 packs of rebel II, and even after refreshing, clearing cache, and manually setting Z95s to 4, it wants to default them back to 0, so only Blount is available.

Screenie attached.

It may be my caching - my computer does have issues - but the fact that I'm clearing it and it keeps coming back raises my own concerns - but don't be surprised if this is a PEBKAC situation if you check it and find nothing wrong :D


OK I see. You cleared the cache but probably not the cookie. Could you use the "RESET" button, in order to refresh the cookie, and let me know if things are better.

Also, some adblocks may interfer with the tool.


Just to let you know that I improved greatly the permalink feature and the import one from a permalink into the tool.


And a continual FYI.

I reset twice, and reinstalled chrome again, and then reset fresh - and now it seems to be okay... So It looks like it was a local caching issue of mine, and I apologise for any time wasted :)

On 23/04/2017 at 7:29 PM, Drasnighta said:

And a continual FYI.

I reset twice, and reinstalled chrome again, and then reset fresh - and now it seems to be okay... So It looks like it was a local caching issue of mine, and I apologise for any time wasted :)

Happy to know that the issue is solved !

Thank you very much but I already found a bug.

I can't equip Disposable Capacitors on an ISD I/II.

Could you please fix that?

3 minutes ago, Rheinlander said:

Thank you very much but I already found a bug.

I can't equip Disposable Capacitors on an ISD I/II.

Could you please fix that?

That's not a Bug

That's by Design

The card is restricted to Small or Medium Ship Only

Oh ****, noooooo :(

Didn't notice this...