
By Andur Saibot, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Hello everyone.

This might be a simple one or a tough one, not really sure. Or maybe the are two different options for both cases. Anyway, thanks in advance.

1) If somehow Qu Rahn gets damage (without using his Protect Character ability) and I have a Guardian of Peace, which also has Protect Character , can I protect the damage to Qu Rahn with the Guardian and then re-protect it back to Qu Rahn so he can trigger his response, thus damaging an enemy objective?

2) If my Emperor's Guard is committed tl the Force and I have an Imperial Shadow Guard, which protects committed characters, can I protect with the fisrt one a regular damage to another character and then re-protect it with the latter given now there is a committed character taking a wound?

Hope the scenarios are clear. Thanks again.

1) Yes. Someone has posted an official response on cardgamedb confirming this works.

2) Also yes. This is one of my favorite protect chains.

Thank you very much!