New 358/2 Days English Videos, and an EPIC...I mean EPIC!!!! Birth By Sleep video

By TheChampIsHere, in Odds & Ends

They are all at Gametrailers, and all fo the 358/2 Days videos have been out for quite some time, as for the Birth By Sleep, it just surfaced on the web, and it looks soooo good, it almost puts 358/2 Days close to shame...but not...


EPIC Birth By Sleep -
Agrabah Showcase -
Battle Gameplay -
Beast's Caslte Showcase -
Cutscene after Darkside battle #1 -

TheChampIsHere said:

Birth By Sleep, it just surfaced on the web

That's weird, seeing as I saw all of these weeks/months ago.

The Birth By Sleep one is actually a new one...there was one very similar too it that released at TGS2008...but the one in the link above has too be new, the most it could have been out for is a couple days, because they include the videos of the new pictures that were out (i.e. Cinderella running down the stairs at the ball, Aqua fighting, Ven fighting Lucifer), and they weren't released until a week ago. When they were released, they were advertised as brand new, yes, the beginning two sequences are old, and so are a few in between with Terra and Xehanort, but all Aqua cutscenes were basically new....

TheChampIsHere said:

The Birth By Sleep one is actually a new one...there was one very similar too it that released at TGS2008...but the one in the link above has too be new, the most it could have been out for is a couple days, because they include the videos of the new pictures that were out (i.e. Cinderella running down the stairs at the ball, Aqua fighting, Ven fighting Lucifer), and they weren't released until a week ago. When they were released, they were advertised as brand new, yes, the beginning two sequences are old, and so are a few in between with Terra and Xehanort, but all Aqua cutscenes were basically new....

Nope. Saw it all aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago.

This will be the 'official' release. I saw all that footage quite some time ago before it was officially released.

EDIT: Wait...there's a couple of scenes that are new, now that I look at this other video I have for comparison. I confused Aqua's fighting demo scene with one of Terra's...

Majority of footage is still old though ¬_¬

Yes, but overall, because of some of the new footage, it would be technically classified as a new trailer...but yes, a lot of the footage is very old...give or take a few things...

whens 3582 coming out for ps2

sora09 said:

whens 3582 coming out for ps2

>358/2 Days for DS

Trothael said:

sora09 said:

whens 3582 coming out for ps2

>358/2 Days for DS

*stares blankly at screen in total disbelief* I'm sorry, but I find it shocking that it would come out for a completely outdated system...srry if it comes off as mean...