Has everybody forgotten about the league?

By Rolina, in Arkham Horror League


This is my first post. I have been reading this forum for quite a while now, and I am wondering why nothing is happening here. My husband and I had a lot of fun with the second league, and we posted our results in time. And then... nothing. Of course Innsmouth could be used as an excuse for forgetting about the league. And after that came the holidayseason: also a good excuse. But now it is september, and I would REALLY like to see some results. Or some great ideas for a new league. Or hear about all the funny names you gave your team. And how many people in the Netherlands participated. (just because we live there, and we don't know anybody playing this incredible game, not to mention the league.) So come on, where are you?

We're waiting too... not just for the results but also for the 3rd league to start...hehe....hopefully now that the con is finished they'll be back on league's buisness...

We loved the idea of playing those scenarios so we can't wait to do some new ones....

Greetings to rolina....oranje boven!!

Same here. Look at my sighnature for our score.

Our group is looking forward to League 3. But to fill in the time we're started our own little league (or campaign, as I am starting to call it). Each players get a group of investigators as their pool to choose from. If you retire an investigator, they are no longer available. If an investigator is devoured, they are no longer available. If you run out of investigators, you can ask to play someone else's alternate.

I've come up with some home-brewed scenarios, and we've played three so far. I also let the players choose which items they end a scenario with to start the next one, up to their starting equipment. And if they have less than their starting equipment, they start at a handicap. This last one was a nasty Shudde M'ell scenario where I had special encounter rules and players could encounter Rubble locations (I made an encouter deck using Strange Eons), and it was supposed to be very nasty, but the game worked against me (I play the game and run the cards and make "spur" decisions at times to control the flow of the game). Only one monster surge the whole game (at the 9 Doom Token track) and not a single Cthonian came out of the monster cup.

I miss the leagues. But we're having fun anyway.

This is getting a little bit retarded, it's been almost 3 months since the end of the league and still no results...

Maybe if we all sent an email to JR maybe we could see them before the end of the year...

Oeternalis said:

This is getting a little bit retarded, it's been almost 3 months since the end of the league and still no results...

Maybe if we all sent an email to JR maybe we could see them before the end of the year...

I agree with you. This is getting ridiculous. Now that Innsmouth has been released and there's nothing upcoming to sell to us that's Arkham Horror related, it seems that FFG has lost interest in maintaining the league.

Well, we still play Arkham at least once a week, but "league" play has fallen by the wayside, as we can't always get all of us together to play one of my self-designed league games. Unlike when FFg had their own leagues, because then we played on set days and whoever made it, played.

Please, please, bring us another Arkham League, soon.

Any news on this yet? I have no idea where to look to find the league stuff so I dont know if the 3rd season is active or not.

Hi there. Long-time anonymous reader/player, first time poster. I wanted to add to this discussion so badly I created a new account. I have three dedicated friends playing through the first league right now (just finished episode 5 with four investigators remaining), and assuming we make it out alive, we will move on to the second league... and then the spanish ones (assuming they get translated. I know some are available at the wiki). We love the game and we also have friends that play casually and are still learning too. However, I wanted to know if anyone was getting any kind of response from anyone at FFG? I've read and re-read a lot of the forum threads and while I would certainly like another league season, I need that updated FAQ... badly but it looks like the last response was in October (though I could be wrong). So is anyone out there? Even the website doesn't seem to be Arkham friendly unless you know what you are looking for.

Sincerely (because this is my favorite game even beating out Twilight Imperium),
