Human by Region

By guver, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Is there any official source that separates the humans by region and gives them different abilities depending on the region?

The human's in the Core are assumed to be from Reikland, what about others? I remember in 2ed there was such a differentiation in a sourcebook.

Edited by guver

Hero's Call has distinct characteristics for all the regions of the Empire but not other parts of the world (Bretonnia, Araby), etc. It also has a few new types of Dwarfs, plus Halflings and Ogres.

Thanks. Shame the book is no longer in stores :(

It is possible to get as a PDF, sadly you do not get the careers or cards in, but at the regional traits for the different regions of the Empire and a few different Dwarven Karaks.

Does the hero's call pdf have all the action cards, item cards, etc? Since the product seems to be impossible to find!

I'm afraid not. unless they're printed in the book the PDFs don't have any of the information that would normally be found on cards. Quite a significant oversight really.

In the case of Heroes Call, I think the stat blocks for the 'Epic Threat' enemies are in there if I remember correctly, but none of their associated actions are present.

PM Yepesnopes about cards

btw, YES, all of the rules details for each human race, the dwarf subraces, halflings and ogres are in the HEROS CALL BOOK.


Sigmar's Heirs from 2nd edition had different skills and traits, depending on the province from which the players came.