No more Foils=GooD?

By Mt_Do, in UFS General Discussion

I notice that not having foils ain't too bad. I mean I am looking at the foiled cards from old sets and some of them bend. I like it when cards don't bend without help. What do you guys think?

Honestly? I think that's looking at the silver lining.

The bottom line for almost everyone is the gameplay. Gameplay is the reason why people will still play chess or Tetris regardless of how advanced technology gets. That being said, the "C" in CCG is collectible, and I think a lot of collector's want their collection to look nice. Most people like the shine of the foils. Some of us got into the game for the art. Not having those things does make the game lose it's luster a tad. Does not having foils improve the game? No, not at all. As I said though, as long as quality gameplay exists some of the other shortcomings may be tolerated.

I don't think it's a good or badthing really. I have never really cared about whether my cards were foiled or not. However i do wish that Set 12 had been the same way because I have my 5 Point Binder lookin pretty odd with UR's both foil and non foil on the same page XD

No more foils makes me sad =(

I'd be fine if at least characters were still being made foil.

Shady said:

No more foils makes me sad =(

I'd be fine if at least characters were still being made foil.

or if at least some cards like just the UR were foil or if the reprints and league promos are foil i could live with that i guess

i would prefer the champ cards staying foil. everything else being nonfoil is great. i don't like warped cards/decks

GouHadou said:

i would prefer the champ cards staying foil. everything else being nonfoil is great. i don't like warped cards/decks

Me neither.

BTW: You got my message?

I'd like it if characters were still foiled, or maybe just prize support. It would make prizes feel a little more special than cards you get out of packs.

Prize support being the only thing foiled would make me a very happy camper, make 'em really special and all. Rares kinda make me feel like I'm buying a battle box or deck or something. Its just kinda wierd.

If some of the art was foiled in this set, the shine might distract me from how ugly it is.

quarzark said:

If some of the art was foiled in this set, the shine might distract me from how ugly it is.

or maybe it could be worst?

quarzark said:

If some of the art was foiled in this set, the shine might distract me from how ugly it is.

I don't remember foiling making ANY art good.