Burn Through Your Cards

By devilmonkey, in Gummi Garage

Player: Flag Sora

Sora (Valor Form) X2

Friends - 24

Level 0
Alice X1
Tidus X1
Owl X2
The King X1
Captain Pete X2

Level 1
Cid X1
Phil X2
Goofy (BoD) X2
Abu X1
Sally X3

Level 2
King Triton X2
Goofy X1
Pegasus X1
Will Turner X1
Hercules X1

Level 3
Goofy X2

Magic/Friends - 2

Tinkerbell lvl1 X1
Simba lvl1 X1

Equiptment - 3

Olympia (Hero's Crest) X2
Oblivion X1

Worlds - 2

Monstro lvl1 X1
Olympus Coliseum lvl1 (BoD) X1

Dark - 8

Pete X1
Stealth Sneak X1
Barbosa X1
Behemoth X1
Cerberus X2
Cave of Wonders Guardian X2

Total: 42


This is a completely theoretical deck; ie. I own no Set 4 cards, so this is just what I would build i I had the cards to build it. Hasn't been playtested, just the product of about an hours worth of drooling over Set 4 cards and wanting to make a deck

At first, I wanted this to be a JoaT deck featuring Sora (Valor Form). But after choosing my friends, I realized I was building a little more of an Aggro format and I just decided to flow with it. I love, absolutely LOVE Sally's new effect. I know milling a deck is generally pointless in this game, but I love the fact of instantly nullifying the next 5 possible strategies my opponent would be getting. So when I realized I wanted 3, I realized I probably wanted to add in some of the Shuffle Buddy cards. Otherwise, the other friends were just kind of "pick and go". I wanted to add in a Jack or somethin, but never could decide.

The Magic/Friends were made scarce since I have little to draw upon for Magic. I'm pretty sure I'm in dire need of HP suppliers, but I can't justify Cures or more Tinks without adding in more Friends.

The Worlds are short and sweet. Monstro is there for when I verse WR type decks and some minor coverage against other Aggro/JoaT decks. The Olympus Coliseum is there for the Aggro matchup, to help boost "Hero's Crest".

As for the Dark Cards...I just wanted one Barbosa. Even though I'd love to capitalize on his effect, I don't think I'd be able to utalize on it that often. I'd probably never get it on an Aggro, and a WR could probably toss it in a second. Then there's the obligatory CoWG + Cerberus cards. A Behemoth and Sneak were tossed in more for kicks than strategy, and the Pete just cuz I like him.

I'm not entirely sure how this'll do against match ups. I think it'd do alright against WR, and hold it's own against Dark Aggro. I have the feeling that an Aggro match up would barrel over this deck as (from what I've seen on these boards) these Aggro decks are heavy in extra support. But like I said, I've had no playtesting and would like to see

I stuck with a low number of cards because A) I always find that you draw those crucial cards when you need them when you have a short deck B) Re-shuffling is so much easier, so tossing an entire hand isn't as much of a loss C) I realized the possible train wreck I was making and wanted to kind of wrap things up

So yeah...I definatly appreciate any and all comments, bad or good. Moreso the bad ones, since critisizm really does make the best deck.

heh, a mill deck, you think you really need 5 goofys to support valor form? I haven't ever run it so I don't know, that just seems like alot.

Highjack said:

heh, a mill deck, you think you really need 5 goofys to support valor form? I haven't ever run it so I don't know, that just seems like alot.

Actually, Goofy Lv 3 is a good draw card. If you look in my wisdom draw deck, he gets a lot of use. The deck should see a Lv 4 Goofy to pull valor form just so that it can be a little quicker, or pull it out again in case of a bad situation.

EDIT: Should run Panic (or is it Pain) to make them shuffle. It will hurt a lot more.

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

Actually, Goofy Lv 3 is a good draw card. If you look in my wisdom draw deck, he gets a lot of use. The deck should see a Lv 4 Goofy to pull valor form just so that it can be a little quicker, or pull it out again in case of a bad situation.

EDIT: Should run Panic (or is it Pain) to make them shuffle. It will hurt a lot more.

knew I forgot about something lol I'll probably replace Pete with a Panic, maybe the Stealth too.

as for the 5 Goofy's...I have no idea. I haven't run either of the Form cards, so I still have little idea of how often you get a From in hand with a Friend on field. I just put 5 in because then I have a 1 in 7 chance of getting a Goofy 1st draw, increasing from there.

I should probably try proxy play testing this deck b4 I ask for opinions on it huh?

devilmonkey said:

I should probably try proxy play testing this deck b4 I ask for opinions on it huh?

haha not at all, like you said this was a theoretical exercise, I mean if you're gonna have to write out a bunch of proxies to playtest, may as well find out if people think it's good enough to even bother first

its not a bad deck but searchng for valor form with lvl 4 goofy is to slow ur better off trying to draw it out. my valor is running only 3 goofys but 4-5 is good