For the Money Question

By Grizzlegrom, in UFS Rules Q & A

For the Money
2/5 +3M, All Chaos Fire
R: Before you make a control check to play an attack, that check gets +2. Your opponent may commit 2 foundations to cancel this effect and destroy this foundation.

If I respond with for the money and my opponent commits 2 foundations to negate the ability what happens if another ability negates the R: or can it not be further negated?

I am just curious in case this comes up somehow and I am sorry if this has already been asked

This is a really good question. On a related note, when does your opponent actually commit those 2 foundations -- as a response to the ability being played, as part of the resolution, somewhere in between?

I think For the Money would still be destroyed after your opponent commits 2 even if the R was negated (say by a Seal) regardless of anything else that happens, because if a negation eliminated the entire ability then the negation in the 2nd sentence would negate itself and save the foundation from being destroyed.

It'll still be destroyed.

If the ability it negated or canceled, you can not commit the two foundations (excluding of course if it's negated by committing those two foundations).

Additionally, if hte ability is canceled by committing two foundations, it can't be cancled or negated, as it already has been.

Well once you have allowed your opponent the opportunity to commit 2 to negate you have already passed the response window of played.


I have for the money you are playing astaroth.

I R with for the money

I pass and you pass on responses to the R being played

For the money resolves and as part of for the money's ability you are given the option to negate it. The negation is part of the ability.

See how you can no longer respond with Astaroth? You have passed the point of played when you are commiting two to negate.

That contradicts neither of the things I said.