Shining Storm Balanced Deck

By Zero_Outcome, in Gummi Garage


Lv 1 Sora





The King Lv0

Goofy Lv1 X3

Peter Pan Lv1 X2

Hercules Lv1

King Triton Lv2

Hercules Lv2

Goofy Lv2 X2

Donald Lv2 X2

Donald Lv3 (LD) X2

Beast Lv3 (LD)

Jack Skellington Lv3 (DA)

Goofy Lv4 (BD)

Leon Lv4 (DA)


Tinker Bell Lv1


Lord Fortune X2

Olympia X2

Kingdom Key


Graviga Lv4

Curaga Lv4

Thundaga Lv4

Blizzaga Lv4 X2

Firaga Lv4 X2


Soldier Lv1 (LD) X3

Barrel Spider Lv3 (BS) X3

Large Body Lv3 X2

Angel Star Lv4 (DA)

Angel Star Lv4 (BD)

Invisible Lv5

Aquatank Lv5

Gargoyle Lv6

Dragon Maleficent Lv9


Hundred Acre Wood Lv0

Disney Castle Lv1

Wonderland Lv2 X2

Deep Jungle Lv2 X2

Hollow Bastion Lv3

Halloween Town Lv3

Twilight Town Lv3

60 cards total

Let me know what you think.

to large its going to get out run by the 41 card decks

that is what I thought at first too, but I've faced many low card count deck and I have usualy prevailed. And the ones I've lost It has allways been close.

i thin my sora world would out run you and its a safe worlds deck it draws all the thin wishing lamp style with genie 1 bod kiria and selphie disney castles i love it i thing

Too many high level worlds for a WR.

Too many Worlds for Aggro.

Re-work your Worlds.

This is my advice.

It is good advice.

This is not haiku.