Calling All Rogue Traders in Lexington Kentucky

By Attila-IV, in Rogue Trader

Good day all. I managed to pick up a copy of Rogue Trader at GenCon, and having at last finished the book, I'm ready to run a campaign. If you're interested in participating, and you live in Lexington, Nicholasville, or the surrounding environs, please let me know. Either reply to this post or e-mail me at [email protected]

Forward, into the void!

I'm nowhere near you, but I couldn't commenting on how awesome your e-mail address is. Will your RT be named Captain Fwiffo? Does he have Ciphers (Huffi-Muffi-Guffi)?

Thank you for the complement. Without giving too much away, some variation of the Sa-Matra may be making an appearance.