brick for cloud/sephiroth

By barnabys, in Agrabah Bazaar

I want:

1x cloud

1x sephiroth

1x ultima weapon

I have a big stack of cards, just say what you want and we might be able to make a deal (Bonus points if you live in rockford)

I should point out, I still have copies of event 1 nf, snow whtie nf and foil. My collection has not changed even with this past trade.

PLEASE NOTE: I will not discuss trades in the forums, if you have interest e-mail me at:

so after actually looking at other threads and seeing how rare cloud/sephiroth are I figured I should be more clear. I have literally every other card in the game (i don't count x card). I'm not saying they're all for trade, but I'm willing to listen to any offer.

Well, I don't have either a Cloud or a Sephiroth but I would buy or trade for an Aladdin lvl1 SR from Set 1 if you have it and are willing to trade it for something else. You can check my trade thread to see what I have available for trade if you want and then let me know at .

Do you have either of the Snow White promos, Sora lvl 3 promos, or the non-foil event card 1? If so, I'll trade highly for those (not Sephy or Cloud though)

I doubt it. I think he means the sets. Not promos. Especially the unreleased ones. never know until you asked...if I got that Sora lvl 3 and wasn't on this site...I would think it was just the ordinary promo that everyone has...soooo....yeah.

I guess, but how likely is it that he went to Gen Con AND got the promo?

how unlikely is it...the world will never know...until he answers me at least....if so, I claim first deal!!!!

TheChampIsHere said:

how unlikely is it...the world will never know...until he answers me at least....if so, I claim first deal!!!!

xD. Don't have an extra Sephy/Cloud, so... XP

when you say lvl 3 sora, you mean halloween town sora? Because if so I have that. I also have the non foil event card 1 and foil and non foil snow white (i wasn't joking when I said every card). HOWEVER I am only interested in getting cloud/sephiroth, so unless you want to make me a ridiculous godfather offer, I don't see parting with them.

Well, what else would you want besides those two. I have both of them, but I'm not willing to trade either for them sadly, because those cards will come out and become easier too get. From here on out, Sephy and Cloud will only get honestly, I value them higher than any of the promos....

P.S. You are missing 1 card besides Sephy and Cloud, and that is the Sora lvl 3 promo, which is not Halloweentown Sora, it is more rare than anything else out now, and it is a special promo that some got in there Set 4 boxes.

yea, I didn't really think it was halloween town sora, is there a scan up of the sora in question? I hadn't heard of it till now. And no, those are the only 2 cards I'll trade for.

I'm pretty sure there is a scan somewhere...for some reason, I think there is one on Fate's trade thread...I'm not 100% sure, but I believe so...ummmm, well, I really have to see about the Sephy and Cloud...what would you trade me for lets say Cloud? The only things I need are those promos...Sora lvl 3, Snow White (nf or f), and nf Event Card 1.

Page 4 of my trade thread has the scan in it. I wish I could get rid of it though cause it makes me drool uncontrollably every time I look at it.

that card looks pretty sweet, kinda wish I had one ;) . I don't really need cloud that badly, I could trade you cards you don't need for him, but that seems silly.

Well, what would you trade for Sephy then? I'm assuming those 3 cards are the last ones you need? (Cloud, Sephy, Sora lvl 3 promo)

well I have a cloud, I wanted a second one (like how I want 2 sephys). So I would assume sephiroth and promo sora are the only 2 I need for a set (though that sora caught me by suprise, so it's entirely possible I'm missing something else, I haven't gone through a checklist). I would trade you the 3 promos you want that I have for sephiroth, I was just of the impression that wasn't good enough for you.

Well, I really do like that deal, but the problem is that Sephy is still rarer than all of those, because they will come out everywhere, and like how Flag Sora was, after about a month of them being out, they will be on Ebay for $1.25 each. So I'd probly not do that, because Sephy is $25.00 and still going higher...

ya, I figured as much, I assume there's nothing else you want?

No. I think I may be getting an extra Sephy from Anarchy...but I'm not too sure if I'm willing too trade it away for those 3 cards...let me see first if I can get the hold those 3 if you wouldn't mind....(Snow White nf and f, Event Card nf)

sure man, I can do that for you

do you mean rockford IL??? if so where do you play? -you dont mind me asking these questions but thought of more players intrigues me. also i have a cloud for trade but im not looking for that much right now you can check my thread if you like.

I live in bloomington/normal, I was coming up there on the 4th for the weekly friday tournament dealy, so I figured if I was trading with someone that already lived there we could just do it in person and skip the mail hassle. I do have all the cards you're looking for (though I can't trade the king). Do you goto the tourneys at the robin's nest? Will you be there on there on the 4th? If so I was planning on bringing my collection anyway so maybe we can work something out.


amphillips said:

I purchased a copy of the King and Sephiroth. Providing they both arrive soon I would have them for trade as well. I am interested in your Snow White Foil, Snow White Non-Foil, Event Non-Foil, and Aladdin lvl1 Base Set SR. But, if you want to hold on to the promos for the time being and just sell the Aladdin SR I will change my offer to $15 on that one. Just let me know then.

Just a repost from the other thread in case you don't check that one.