Feed my unhealthy addiction!

By Locque, in Rogue Trader

I'm sure that myself, and a lot of the poor sods who will be paying for RT at the earliest possible opportunity (despite being slightly poorer than the nation of Nicaragua) So I'm asking-nay- begging those of you who have the RT core book to toss a few delicious morsels our way. Just little nuggets of information to tide us over.

What are these newly buffed plasma weapons like?

What kind of powers do navigators have?

Do Astropaths have access to new (and sexy) psychic powers?

What pieces of exotic gear are available now?

Are there any new and interesting weapons apart from sluggers, boltguns, lasguns et al?

Any exciting/interesting new enemies statted/backgrounded?

Is there an enclosed adventure, like Illumination?

Would anyone care to describe what ship combat is like?

Are there any spectacular or interesting new skills/talents?

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to toss any concessions into this thread, you'll be immortalised as a heroic martyr in my game once I've got the book.

I am happy to help, but that is a big wishlist of answers you have there to do in one go my friend. I assume you've read the other threads in this forum? Amidst just the ones I've seen, you should be able to uncover some discussion of ships and the new class specific talents.

What are these newly buffed plasma weapons like?
The only big change I see is that they no longer require recharge. Someone else let me know if I'm missing something.

What kind of powers do navigators have?
A lot of powers related to seeing and learning things using their third eye. Quite different mechanics from a psyker diviner though. Some of it is on the personal scale, like a psyker diviner, but a couple of the powers reveal things more at a ship /warp travel scale. They have obligatory "blast them with my warp eye" stare, and a big surprise for me was the ability to teleport short distances.

Do Astropaths have access to new (and sexy) psychic powers?
Honestly, not very many, (which I am okay with), though of course they can do what astropaths do. Mostly it is the same powers from Telepathy, Divination, and Telekinesis, just with some minor tweaks. There is a cool new Telekinetic power Force Shards, which is a lot like Patience Kys minus the need for kine blades.

I'll try to get back to your other questions in bits if no one else jumps in.

aethel said:

I am happy to help, but that is a big wishlist of answers you have there to do in one go my friend. I assume you've read the other threads in this forum? Amidst just the ones I've seen, you should be able to uncover some discussion of ships and the new class specific talents.

What are these newly buffed plasma weapons like?
The only big change I see is that they no longer require recharge. Someone else let me know if I'm missing something.

What kind of powers do navigators have?
A lot of powers related to seeing and learning things using their third eye. Quite different mechanics from a psyker diviner though. Some of it is on the personal scale, like a psyker diviner, but a couple of the powers reveal things more at a ship /warp travel scale. They have obligatory "blast them with my warp eye" stare, and a big surprise for me was the ability to teleport short distances.

Do Astropaths have access to new (and sexy) psychic powers?
Honestly, not very many, (which I am okay with), though of course they can do what astropaths do. Mostly it is the same powers from Telepathy, Divination, and Telekinesis, just with some minor tweaks. There is a cool new Telekinetic power Force Shards, which is a lot like Patience Kys minus the need for kine blades.

I'll try to get back to your other questions in bits if no one else jumps in.

Thanks a whole bunch :)

Very much appreciated. I hadn't intended for any one poor person to answer all of those questions in detail, as I said, any morsels or tidbits people can throw into this topic are more than welcome. Navigators sound enormously interesting now, considering prior to this I had almost 0 interest. I'm a little disappointed at the similarity between astropaths and regular psykers, would've been nice to see more new powers, but then psykers already had a formidable arsenal of psychic abilities.

I have to admit, it would be incredibly cool if someone could give the lowdown on how basic ship combat works, or if it's already been detailed somewhere, if a link could be provided that would be just as great!

What the average weapon rolls for damage and how that damage is applied? Is it similar to the old Vehicle Web Document that BI released or is it completely different? Are Crit charts involved and do they only apply when all Hull Points are gone (the same as Characters and Wounds) ? Do shields work like the personal force fields in IH? etc.

Any info would be most grateful.

RT boltguns and the inferno pistol are slightly different than DH.

Boltguns have the "tearing" quality, which is something I would retrofit to DH. The RT inferno pistol is 2d10+8 damage with pen 13, while the DH equivalent is 2d10+4 damage with pen 12. I attribute that to the books having the stats for two different inferno pistols, generic in DH and mezoa pattern in RT.

There are a handful of new, cool grenades and rules for the harlequin's kiss, too.

The key difference between astropath's and DH psykers isn't their abilities, but rather that astropaths are more stable and less likely to invoke a perils of the warp roll. Think of it as the difference between amateur and professional athletes - astropaths are just more skilled at what they do.

Another difference I noticed, that slightly disappointed me, is that the RT character generation process doesn't have the charts for random generation, particularly of quirks, height/weight, etc. I know that I can get those charts from the DH books, but I feel that a consolidated RT randomization chart would be nice.

I haven't completely read the ship combat rules, but basically, you use a character's BS to shoot ship weapons, which represents that character directing one or more batteries/systems. There are also extensive rules for maneouvering. If you've played BfG, the ship combat rules will already make sense.

I just ran my player's through Forsaken Bounty, though I renamed the ship the "Manifest Destiny". After blowing the vista panels and anything in the bridge that wasn't bolted down into the warp, including the worm, I had them transport the wreck to an adeptus mechanicus outpost for salvage work. On their way back to Port Wander to meet a contact about some opportunities, they got ambushed by a Ork Kroozer. I'm excited to run them through the combat on our next session.

Cervantes3773 said:

Boltguns have the "tearing" quality, which is something I would retrofit to DH.

The errata made that change to DH boltguns a while ago.

I think the most important question is of course: Do they have another 8 pages of hilarious critical damage tables and is it different to the DH ones?

i wanna know if they have the hilirious critical damage tables for ship combat.

Malkavianmadman said:

i wanna know if they have the hilirious critical damage tables for ship combat.

Nah, basically just the ones from Battlefleet Gothic.

Oh, and the plasma weapons didn't get recharge removed . It is still there, if you fire them on optional "Maximal" setting, which adds d10 damage, 2 pen, and (if Blast) 2 metres of blast radius. It takes up 3 shots of ammo per use, though.

RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Oh, and the plasma weapons didn't get recharge removed . It is still there, if you fire them on optional "Maximal" setting, which adds d10 damage, 2 pen, and (if Blast) 2 metres of blast radius. It takes up 3 shots of ammo per use, though.

Now that sounds like it will hurt something quite nicely.

RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Oh, and the plasma weapons didn't get recharge removed . It is still there, if you fire them on optional "Maximal" setting, which adds d10 damage, 2 pen, and (if Blast) 2 metres of blast radius. It takes up 3 shots of ammo per use, though.

What page is this on? Having trouble finding it.

Page 123, "Firing Plasma Weapons"

Personal "To Do" sidenote: transfer "Firing Plasma Weapons" from RT to DH ASAP :-)

On the other hand, I´d like to know something about Origins: are Imperial, Forge, Hive Worlders and Void and Noble Born identical rulewise (stats (I know RT characters have starting +25), traits, skills, fate, wounds) as they are presented in Dark Heresy Rulebook respectively Inquisitor´s Handbook? Is Death-worlder just other name for Feral-worlder, or it is unique in some way? Any closer description would be welcomed, thanks and Emperor bless you for feeding my inquisitive curiosity,-)

Personal "To Do" sidenote: re-makeOrigin Path into Dark Heresy (****, I need RT rulebook!)

TorogTarkdacil said:

On the other hand, I´d like to know something about Origins: are Imperial, Forge, Hive Worlders and Void and Noble Born identical rulewise (stats (I know RT characters have starting +25), traits, skills, fate, wounds) as they are presented in Dark Heresy Rulebook respectively Inquisitor´s Handbook? Is Death-worlder just other name for Feral-worlder, or it is unique in some way? Any closer description would be welcomed, thanks and Emperor bless you for feeding my inquisitive curiosity,-)

The Fate points for all worlds are increased, and wounds are based off (2xTB)+d5 with some modifiers depending on World. But other than a few minor changes (Profit Factor +1 for Noble Born instead of specific cash amounts, and a better Fit for Purpose on Forge Worlders), the worlds from DH did not get changed.

Death Worlders are NOT Feral Worlders. They have the same stat adjustments, but different traits. No Blood Loss stanching, for example. I'd rate them as similar worlds of about equal mechanical "power."

On a somewhat related note, how do the new vermin and Xenos rate against the creatures one can run into in Dark Heresy? Do they come with any particularly nasty tricks or are just geniunely tougher?

Apologies for the double post but this question recently came up in my group...

Which career, in the opinions of those who have the book, would make a good "jack of all trades" kind of character? I have a player who wants to roll up one when I get the character generation rules.

Psion said:

Apologies for the double post but this question recently came up in my group...

Which career, in the opinions of those who have the book, would make a good "jack of all trades" kind of character? I have a player who wants to roll up one when I get the character generation rules.

I guess it depends on what your personal interpretation of the "alltrades" cross section is. Void Master, Senschal, or Rogue Trader are probably where I'd start.

Might be able to offer more insight if you can describe the mix of skills you're looking for.

aethel said:

Psion said:

Apologies for the double post but this question recently came up in my group...

Which career, in the opinions of those who have the book, would make a good "jack of all trades" kind of character? I have a player who wants to roll up one when I get the character generation rules.

I guess it depends on what your personal interpretation of the "alltrades" cross section is. Void Master, Senschal, or Rogue Trader are probably where I'd start.

Might be able to offer more insight if you can describe the mix of skills you're looking for.

Well so far he hasn't mentioned much beyond wanting to be good in range and melee and using a rifle, pistol, and sword. For that I was thinking he might be good with Arch-Militant but... I'll ask him when I get ahold of him again.

For now, I'm interprating that as someone who's good at knowledge, fighting, running the ship, and perhaps has access to something like tech-use or medicae.... We don't have anything like that do we?

Psion said:

Well so far he hasn't mentioned much beyond wanting to be good in range and melee and using a rifle, pistol, and sword. For that I was thinking he might be good with Arch-Militant but... I'll ask him when I get ahold of him again.

For now, I'm interprating that as someone who's good at knowledge, fighting, running the ship, and perhaps has access to something like tech-use or medicae.... We don't have anything like that do we?

Arch-Militants are surprisingly sup-par at most styles of Close Combat. They can do a brute, but not a master swordsman. But if the second archetype you mention is what he's looking for, a Seneschal is perfect. Forbidden Lore (Archaeotech) as a starting skill, early buys of Tech-Use and Medicae, good Fellowship prices, and decent in combat.

RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Arch-Militants are surprisingly sup-par at most styles of Close Combat. They can do a brute, but not a master swordsman. But if the second archetype you mention is what he's looking for, a Seneschal is perfect. Forbidden Lore (Archaeotech) as a starting skill, early buys of Tech-Use and Medicae, good Fellowship prices, and decent in combat.

Thank you RPG, I'll know for certain once I get the chance to talk to him again. But from the sound of it, Seneschal sounds like a good place to start. I guess the king's accountant really does know how to do everything. =P

I concur with RPG on all counts. If the second one (a skill mix) is what he's looking for, Seneschal. If he really means combat-wise (ranged/melee/ship), I'd go Void Master.

aethel said:

I concur with RPG on all counts. If the second one (a skill mix) is what he's looking for, Seneschal. If he really means combat-wise (ranged/melee/ship), I'd go Void Master.

Alright, thank you gentlemen. My player came back to me and... most likely Void Master. Looks like that might be a class I'll be paying some attention to when I finally get the book.

Psion said:

Alright, thank you gentlemen. My player came back to me and... most likely Void Master. Looks like that might be a class I'll be paying some attention to when I finally get the book.

Void Master is one of the most fun classes to play, I think. There are so many different ways to approach the role they have, and while most of them can be handled by other classes, the stat spread they encourage leads to being able to handle just about anything ship-related as long as its not all at once. Oh, and the awesome ship talents like Void Tactician? At least two ranks earlier than any other class.

Since we've heard about some of the snazzy new ranged stuff, any cool melee weapons?

Although it sounds like RT is more about ranged weapons. That makes a certain amount of sense, in that your crew wants to be able to aim ship batteries well. On the other hand, the IH for DH makes shipboard combat sound very melee oriented. Also, everyone knows that space pirates fight pistol in one hand, power cutlass in the other!