The New Character sheet-what can you see in the new movie

By Emirikol, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Necrozius said:

So these new character sheets: full colour and made to be placed along side the career card.

Are they glossy and made to be used with dry erase or water soluble markers? Thus re-usable?

Or are we expected to use the full colour ones that will probably look like hell after erasing stuff a few times? If that's the case, I'll have to scan them and print them out in b&w double sided... Argh.

I can't see FFG making this sort components mistake. I can see them wanting us to use markers or tokens on these sheets to record numbers though. Unfortunately I also think that's a terrible idea for an RPG. I'm looking forward to hearing more on this...

Emirikol said:

Take a look at the movie. They're on there. I also screenshot them and put them on my gallery site (click download document in original format" under the broken picture box). It's not super-clear, but you get the gist.


jadrax said:

The section for Advanced Skills seems very small.

Well, maybe:

They've peared down the number available. If so, there might be less academic skills or such, which would be a shame, though I rarely get a chance to use them.


They're running it like WW and it's like specialities that give you a bonus under certain circumstances.


Is the main char shett another card push out?

I remember reading that there would be a pad of character sheets included.

There you go then. Problem solved. Maybe.

Emirikol said:

Skullduggery would be a cool skill

You're right!

I finally watched the video in fullscreen and yeah, the skill is Skullduggery. I only thought to check the video again when I realized there wasn't a Sleight-of-Hand skill on the list. I usually think of Skullduggery as being cunningly devious (so more of a mental skill), but here I'm sure they mean the physical feats of sleight of hand, picking locks and pockets.