You all need to stop assuming things

By Fairbanks, in Rules Discussions

Well I was just posting what I thought about things, but no one say anything about it. More like it's ignored, or just read and i guess makes sense? XD hopefully makes sense >.>;; I see arguments entertaining ONLY when no one is offended. Like you can call them a crank weedle-bunny and they won't get offended...nor will they understand what you are talking about. XD

sungtrs said:

Well I was just posting what I thought about things, but no one say anything about it. More like it's ignored, or just read and i guess makes sense? XD hopefully makes sense >.>;; I see arguments entertaining ONLY when no one is offended. Like you can call them a crank weedle-bunny and they won't get offended...nor will they understand what you are talking about. XD

Oh, I beleive they are read...unfortunately no one pays attention to the user trying to diffuse an argument when a flame war gets as heated as that one did for's hard to put out a flame war once it gets rolling.

I will be sure to refer to someone as a "crank weedle-bunny" in the future though...should definitely be amusing, lol.

XD yeah same here! I'm going to brain storm on what other funny name callings I can do just for laughs XD Oh and by the way, how long do you think it's going to take for us to recieve the cards? I'd say about a week correct? And I gave the cards to my dad so he can send it with his mail at monday, but unfortunately he did'nt do so till today(which is wednesday) sorry for the late sending D:. I dislike the fact of my family's reputation on being lazy...especially me for school, or just petty work that I cansider as "lifting a pencil" ROFLS!

sungtrs said:

XD yeah same here! I'm going to brain storm on what other funny name callings I can do just for laughs XD Oh and by the way, how long do you think it's going to take for us to recieve the cards? I'd say about a week correct? And I gave the cards to my dad so he can send it with his mail at monday, but unfortunately he did'nt do so till today(which is wednesday) sorry for the late sending D:. I dislike the fact of my family's reputation on being lazy...especially me for school, or just petty work that I cansider as "lifting a pencil" ROFLS!

Lol, it's all good sir...I believe I got yours sent out on Tuesday? Yeah I'd give it a week or so.

I understand about the laziness though...I don't fool myself, I know I'm pretty lazy sometimes, lol.

WayToTheDawn said:

sungtrs said:

XD yeah same here! I'm going to brain storm on what other funny name callings I can do just for laughs XD Oh and by the way, how long do you think it's going to take for us to recieve the cards? I'd say about a week correct? And I gave the cards to my dad so he can send it with his mail at monday, but unfortunately he did'nt do so till today(which is wednesday) sorry for the late sending D:. I dislike the fact of my family's reputation on being lazy...especially me for school, or just petty work that I cansider as "lifting a pencil" ROFLS!

Lol, it's all good sir...I believe I got yours sent out on Tuesday? Yeah I'd give it a week or so.

I understand about the laziness though...I don't fool myself, I know I'm pretty lazy sometimes, lol.

XD I mean I heard from bunch of people talking about majority of the citizens now-a-days are becoming more "in door" than "out door", basically meaning that we do more things in door (whether it's activity or not) than we do in out door. I remember I was talking to my friend and he was saying,"Man, remember the days when we were little kids, and use to play outside very often?...But now things are different. We merely stay in our homes either on the internet, playing games, chatting, resting, or doing something else in the house. It was so fun back in the day and it left a great impression on me as I thought how wonderful things were back when we were kids." After that talk I had with him, I talked to lots of other people and they pretty much said the same thing. So far I haven't heard anyone in person saying that they like their life as an adult than their childhood. I think everyone would like to go back being would have been much funnier to fart in front of them, instead of just being grossly stared at or just get ignored when you do it as an adult ROFLS!!

Idk I just generally liked being a kid cause it was the time when you didn't have to care as much of whats happening around you. Though me and my friends still go out and hang out and mess around playing games like Basketball and random stuff at the gym and then head off to the comic book store to play some cards and chat with other people. In reality you can be active its just how much you truly want to be activate.

YAY I entered in the convo without seeming like an idiot! Until NOW! LMAO So much reading from such little time I wasn't here lmao.