A good solo adventure.

By Senshuken, in Black Crusade Game Masters

As of late, I've found myself rather interested in trying to run a solo game for a friend of mine that loves the forces of chaos (She has a soft spot for the Prince of Pleasure and Excess him/her/it self) and I'm interested in trying to run a solo game for her. However, I need an adventure for her to go on. Alongside a character sheet for a normal human chaos member.

Does anyone have any starting quests I could start her off on? If they can also link me to where I can find a character sheet for a normal chaos human I would be thankful.

Here's the Black Crusade character sheet, it's the same as the one in the book. I wouldn't sweat the references to Space Marines, it's meant for both characters so the relevant bonuses are there for those players' convenience.


A solo game can be really fun if the gm and the player are both really into it. But it's all about them right. What does she as a player? Combat/social interaction/wealth accumulation/investigation? What is her goal with the character, is it to ascend to daemonhood, launch a black crusade, become a space pirate, make a daemon world or just be the coolest heretic in the Vortex? Also when you ask for adventures, do you mean which published adventures would be best, or do you want us to just give you some ideas? Both?

I guess the question is how do I scale it down so that one person isn't overwhelmed? I understand that the published adventures are more designed with groups in mind.

I also wouldn't be against getting a few ideas that I might be able to slide into the Rp a bit.

EDIT: We haven't made her character yet. We'll be sitting down soon in order to work that out.

Edited by Senshuken

Well I've run a solo Rogue Trader game to a decent amount of success. One of the ways I've done that is by giving the player a lot of supporting NPCs. Not just the faceless henchmen who keep his empire rolling. But characters with personality that help facilitate his goals. Whether it's a bookish stuck up guy who sorts out her intel, expenses, logistics, messages, and other boring but important things. Or a boisterous combat monster of a bodyguard to follow her around and emote off of as a defacto supporting party member. Or whatever else. Characters that are fun for her to RP with, and characters that will both facilitate what she is doing without stealing her shine. Like the various friendly NPCs and party members in CRPG sorta.

Then make sure the combat encounters aren't too crazy, balance them around her and whoever she is likely to bring to the fight. Slowly step it out while you see how she does. If you ever aren't sure run a few test combats on your own with the relevant stat blocks. And just keep in mind that when you got one player, if you know what they like and you're up for it. It's not too hard to make them happy when you know what they want. There's no conflicts in tone or OOC party friction.

As far as story ideas. I dunno, sky's the limit. You can have her as a fairly petty warlord in an area without strong consolidation of power, and watch her claw her way up the ranks. Start in charge of a small cult on an imperial planet trying to subvert their society, have her as a space pirate prowling the void. Once you'll hammer her character out and what she wants it'll be easier. But any of those ideas can work in a solo game. Plus there's always the ever popular have some NPC boss her around for an adventure or two as a sorta training wheels for her to feel out the game, and then kill and replace him in the hierarchy if that's what seems cool.

Thank you.

At the moment I'm letting her come up with what sort of character she would want to play; The story of the character is coming first and foremost before we even touch the character sheet. My logic is that once we have their history, personality and all of that worked out, things like skills and archtypes will just slide into place to support what she wants to play.

So far all we've managed to narrow down is that she wants to play as a 'normal', non psyker human. Everything else will be fall into place in time.

That's the best way to do it. O at least, that's what has worked for me. Figure out the character, and the rest comes after. You should for sure come back whenever you hammer out things a bit more, if not for advice than just to share how things are progressing.

I'll post something up once we've decided on a character and all of that. After all, once we have the character and figure out what it is they desire, we have to figure out the best way for them to get it.

Okay. While the character is still a work in progress, when discussing what sort of background she came from we managed get the frame work for a home world and a bit of background.

Her character was born on a daemon world that is owned by a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, who has thus dedicated it to the endless pursuit of hedonist pleasure and new experiences in the name of Slaanesh. While this does mean the fairly standard endless orgy, this Daemon Prince takes the view point that pregnancy, child birth and child raising were all experiences to be experienced. This also had the added benefit of giving the Daemon Prince an internal source of cultists in which to call upon.

While we haven't had the time to go into details about what sort of things interested her character enough to get started on things like the Archtype or Skills yet (Or even details about the planet yet), I have come up with a great way to get her off the planet. The Daemon Prince (Whom I still need to name) likes to gather a bunch of cultists every now and than onto a ship and send them off to either fulfill whatever promises they feel like honoring, sending them off to go and gather fresh slaves/cultists for him and the planet or even just to go and spread his influence by whatever means they like as long as they are successful at it .

The plan to start the campaign off at the moment is to have several of these ships getting ready to head off to do different things (One to fulfill a request for aid to an existing group that needed new blood that the Prince happens to have taken a fickle favor to, one to go off and either enslave or convert new followers for the Prince and at least one more who's goal I haven't quite worked out yet, but should be dedicated to spread the influence of the Prince) and giving my player the chance to pick which ship (if any ) they feel they would like to volunteer to join (While picking one that benefits her skills would be wise, I want to set up the choice so that regardless of what her archtype is or what her skills are, she will find some sort of role to fill in the group). Of course, in the event that she refuses to volunteer, the plan is that one of the ships finds itself understaffed and decides to fill out the numbers a little bit with the good old Imperial recruitment drive (IE. Abducting people) at which point a random ship (Plan on rolling a dice to figure out which one) will attempt to abduct her and bring her into the crew and most likely succeed (The exact method used will depend on her skill set and how she Rp's. Currently it's either going to be having an old friend offer her a drink or cigar or shot of drugs that was laced with something that would put her out of it long enough to get her onto the ship or just plain old brute force).

Any suggestions or advice would be highly welcome. I'll also welcome any input on what I've currently got and how to make it work better. I'll even take suggestions on what the daemon world itself should look like.

I got a bit carried away so long I'm going to section it off a bit

General adventure feedback:

The third ship can be in someway dedicated to infiltrating some Imperial planet to some dastardly end, it'd be fitting because Slaneeshi characters are really good at that in general. Though by that same token the 2 ships you already have listed could already in some part be about that.

Either way it's a decent way to ship off the hero on some grand adventure. Just make sure that whatever sort of ship they go off on, that despite the character they brought that it's still compelling. Either in a fish out of water sort of way, or them finding that their skill set is more effective for solving the issue than what would have been initially assumed. A fighty character in a social setting has discovered that some measure of brute force is highly effective, that in prancing about by itself her nominal compatriots have lost sight of the mission objective and totally lost themselves to pursuing their own debauched experiences. Whereas a social character in a fighty setting might discover that many of their enemies are easily subverted, shifting the balance of power, or that their own friendly forces are easily swayed and brought under her personal control making her directly a more powerful entity. Putting her in a higher position of power in whatever passes for a chain of command.

The system is mostly freeform, so she'll be able to go after whatever character design she eventually wants. Becoming more knowledgeable, more social, more deadly. With the gifts being what they are she could easily become more and less than human if that's what she wants. You got one player whose the star of the show, you don't have to worry about sharing the spotlight and satisfying players with sometimes conflicting tastes. You have few limitations.

NPC Advice to help a solo player:

Wherever she goes she'll need interesting NPCs to emote off of and do some of her lifting. Characters that facilitate her, could be a character that keeps her armed, or someone who helps her manage her agents and minions, a combat based sidekick, a sneaky skill monkey that has the skills she never picked up, favored hit squad, or just an important corrupted contact in some hostile organisation.They serve to enable her devious plots. Keep her single character from being overwhelmed because she has friends(slaves), and provide an easy but gentle tool for the GM to lighten the load on a player who might be a bit lost. The characters can always suggest some plan if the player is confused, come through with a big lead, or a favor that helps to redirect the player or help them get some goal that seems to be an otherwise slowing down the plot. Most importantly these characters are supporting but not overshadowing her. They're Otakon, C-3PO, and Robin uplifting and complimentary characters. They're not Steve Urkel, and the Fonz, side characters who slowly more and more screen time away.

But that's all entirely to personal taste. Urkel took over because the audiences wanted him to. So how much is too much or too little help, or how much interaction and focus she wants with reoccurring NPCs is up to you two to figure out together. Maybe she wants a strong focus on one other character, an almost buddy movie type of focus where the secondary character is only slightly less active than her own, or maybe she wants an active ensemble who all get their moments like the friendly NPCs in a Bioware game, or maybe she wants competent but passive named characters who are only a step removed from being a faceless henchmen. Maybe she wants to really go wild and knows exactly what she wants, or maybe she needs a few tracks to stay on message. That's just something you figure out as time goes on, and most importantly just talking about what she wants or what she did and didn't like.

Having her try and be upfront with what she wants to do in the future whether it's 5 minutes from now or 5 sessions from now. If she wants to try and trick some NPC in a slightly complicated manner, it'll be easier for you to know how to have that play out rather than just winging it (which you'll be doing a lot of anyways). Or if she wants to take some voidship you know where to steer the plot and can work out how. Communication is the biggest thing to keep everyone on the same page.

Daemon planet

As for the Slaneesh planet? Whenever I think of daemon worlds I always think of blasted landscapes and deserts with weird psyker stuff in the sky, just that's what so much art showing warp related stuff looks like but that's definitely not their intent. Honestly sky's the limit, these are places that no longer totally make sense(not even the amount of sense Imperiums world make) so you can do whatever. Off the top of my head I can think of beautiful gleaming temples that are impossibly pleasing to the eye. Masses of humans and a few xenos pursuing every possible sensation regardless of how safe or taboo. Holy men, warlords, and daemons attracting cults to hit even greater limits of debauchery and/or fight each other. As either would lead to an increase in standing. Competitions between all sorts. Musicians, poets, sculptors, chiefs, chemists, junkies, swordsmen, dancers. The best of which gain favor, resources, and occasionally a resurrection to continue their craft. All in the self destructive pursuit of both perfection and new sensations. All of course complete with some alien sky that doesn't look like anything you'd see in real life.

There's other ways to take it, a lush beautiful but dangerous planet, where the fruits of the land are enjoyed only by those skilled enough to take it. Plants that shoot out neurotoxins that make you pass out in bliss before they try and eat you, stuff like that. A rugged but wondrous planet with very little organisation. A planet where humans are overseen by demons, and engage in highly ritualized mindless joyless acts all day while they meditate on the experience or how well they are preforming it. Whether it's a sexual act, painting the same picture everyday and destroying it, taking the same doses of drugs in the same order and comparing the resultant high. A super OCD for perfection that makes theoretically fun actions come across as pathetic and sad.

Basically you can do anything, those are just 3 ideas you can mix and match and I'm sure there's countless better ones that I can't even think of.

Having a Slaaneshi character is also good for having minions too. With an apostate or pirate princess she might be able to soon accumulate a group of disparate followers that will help her role-playing experience by being able to play different people and build different relationships and dynamics in the group.

And unlike the main character that stays all the time these will come and go for various reasons (most likely death) allowing her to role-play different types and continue enjoying playing different personalities at once.